I’m linking up with my friends, Elaine of The Miss Elaine-ous Life and Andrea of About 100% for a little Old School Blogging and this month is the ABC’s of me, a questionnaire of sorts.
Come play along! Copy and paste the words in bold below, write your post and link up.

B- Biggest Fear: Missing my children’s futures and having them both turn out like assholes.
C- Current Time: Nap time!
D- Drink you last had: Diet Coke
E- Easiest person to talk to: My 19 month old daughter.
F- Favorite Song: #41 by Dave Matthews Band
G- Grossest Memory: The time Lucas smeared poop on his bedroom wall. It was AWFUL. I wrote about it. Of course. (I’m Still In Shock, February, 2012)
H- Hometown: I was born in Amarillo, Texas but grew up overseas. Arizona was home for a long time and now, it’s wherever my children are.
I- In love with: My husband and children. And always in that order.
J- Jealous Of: I wouldn’t mind being Beyoncé for a day.
K- Killed Someone? What the hell kind of question is that?
L- Longest Relationship: The one with myself.
M- Middle Name: Dawn
N- Number of Siblings: 1
O- One Wish: Ah. I wish more than anything that my parents were still alive.
P- Person who you last called: Lisa, my ray of sunshine friend.
Q- Question you’re always asked: Uppie?
R- Reason to smile: Topping the list today is Lucas’s latest family portrait:
But I also love; a good sweat, starting a new book, my children’s laughter, finding time to write, sunflowers, smelling the sea, an iced Chai tea latte, date nights, fresh sheets, Christmas morning, Dateline, capturing the perfect photograph, green lights, a glass of Dreaming Tree Cab, spending time with my friends, my sister, Jimmy Fallon, the smell of rain, kindness, pizza, fast Internet connection, a good hair day, stop me anytime.
S- Song you last sang: Something annoying on KidzBop.
T- Time you woke up: 6:30
U- Underwear Color: I’m not wearing any. Shhh…
V- Vacation Destination: I’m dying to return to kiss under the Eiffel Tower again, but also look forward to seeing the Golden Gate Bridge, sipping a margarita on the beach in Cabo (hopefully next summer!!) and standing in the middle of Times Square sooner rather than later. (:
W- Worst Habit: Setting impossible expectations and being disappointed.
X- X-rays you’ve had: Mouth, leg, fingers and ankle. Nothing was ever broken.
Y- Your favorite food: Mexican… lime, cilantro, onion, jalapeno, avocado, chips, margaritas
Z- Zodiac Sign: Cancer, the crab. Explains so much.
Incidentally, I’ve done one of these before, ABC in June, 2013.
Your turn! Answer the questions, post them on your blog and then link up at Elaine’s or Andrea’s place (don’t forget to tag #OSBlog on Twitter when you share!)