I have shared my love of reading before, how much I adore getting lost in the shelves at bookstores and how I collect books.
My nightstand has been taken over by must reads.
I’m always reading something and this year I have made a [successful] conscious effort to read more. A purist at heart when it comes to books, I can’t believe I’m actually considering adding a Nook or Kindle to my holiday wish list.
I’ve gotten a lot better about passing my good reads on to family and friends, but I can’t seem to let go of my favorites and after I have read something, I hang on to it for far too long because of a habit I have…
As a lover of quotes and words in general and how some authors have a magical ability to string them together, for as long as I can remember I have written in my books.
I underline passages and sentences that speak to me and are relevant to my life and then add them to a document I have on my computer.
My father did the same thing.
In fact, it brought me to tears when my sister, husband and I were cleaning out my parents house and discovered a box full of dogeared pages and post-it notes and lots of of pen marks in books he had read and needed to transfer quotes from to his own document. Like father like daughter, I suppose…
Here are a few of my latest and these are all books that I highly recommend!

Where’d You Go, Bernadette? by Maria Semple
Have you read any good books lately?
Have you ever come across a book with passages underlined or notes written in the margins by someone else, like a family member? Did it add to or detract from your reading experience?
If you have an e-reader, which one do you prefer and why?