Do you remember this post? Adding To Our Family. Do you recognize these items? They were birthday gifts from Lucas. What about these? More generous gifts. Sensing a theme yet? To die for, right? It has taken seven long months … [Continue reading]
Wonders, Mishaps, Blunders and Joy.. commentary on my life as a mom in the form of letters to my son
Posted on Written by Tonya
Do you remember this post? Adding To Our Family. Do you recognize these items? They were birthday gifts from Lucas. What about these? More generous gifts. Sensing a theme yet? To die for, right? It has taken seven long months … [Continue reading]
Posted on Written by Tonya
Nora Ephron past away on June 26 after her battle with leukemia. She left behind behind an incredible wealth of wit, wonderful writing and entertaining films. If you haven't seen Heart Burn (1986), rent it! Meryl Streep is divine, as usual and Jack … [Continue reading]
Posted on Written by Tonya
I hope my son doesn't remember. I hope he can't recall everything I say and do. I'd rather his memories of me standing in front of the mirror plucking my gray hairs and applying face masks be fuzzy. Just as I'd rather he completely … [Continue reading]
Posted on Written by Tonya
1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, and find line 4. What is it? apart; John's understanding and acceptance are bittersweet, having (from To Full Term by Darci Klein) 2. How many times a day do you say Hi? On average, … [Continue reading]
Posted on Written by Tonya
It's been a while since I participated in a Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop, but I have had the best intentions each week as I review the topics. It's one of my all time favorite link-ups and always gets my creative writing juices flowing. This … [Continue reading]
Posted on Written by Tonya
I usually leave the letter writing to you around here, but from time to time, I just have to address someone. This is one of those times. Dear Mom at the park, We've never met. I don't know you. I don't pretend to have any idea what … [Continue reading]
Posted on Written by Tonya
So, like many of you I have a Bucket List of very lofty, somewhat expensive and sort out there things I would like to do before I die, but in the meantime, I have 40 immediate goals to tackle over the next 12 months (seeing as I have sort of missed … [Continue reading]
Posted on Written by Tonya
With Father's Day just a week ago and mine and Lucas' birthday this month, my dad has been on my mind a lot lately. There are so many big and little things that remind me of my dad, the time we spent together and what a great role model he was to me. … [Continue reading]
Posted on Written by Tonya
No matter what anyone says, turning 40 is a big deal. You spend your whole 39th year thinking about it. At least I did. Especially the last few months, weeks and days. In just four more sleeps I will wake up 40. 40. It sounds … [Continue reading]
Posted on Written by Tonya
A coffee table covered with the latest magazines. 12 chairs. 1 love seat. After over a year of treatments and planing my exit, I always opt for a seat near the door because I'm still in denial that I have to be here at all. Couples sit … [Continue reading]