Just a year ago your world revolved around Thomas the Train & Friends, this year, it is all about Cars. Just months ago you were overcome with anxiousness at swim lessons and now you can lap the entire length of the pool all by … [Continue reading]
Ripped Away, Ripped Apart

A wonderful supporter of Letters For Lucas, Robbie of Fractured Family Tales is my Letters For You guest star today. They say death is hardest on those left behind and the what if's can completely take over your brain. Here, Robbie writes a letter … [Continue reading]
Sound Off
Lucas is asleep after a busy morning of swim lessons and errand running. Charlie Pasta is napping at my feet. My gentle typing reminds me that I am on borrowed time. I know school is out because children whiz by on the sidewalk on skateboards, … [Continue reading]
Where I Write To My Dearly Departed Self

I didn't know a thing about John before last Christmas when I sent him a mug as part of Liz's (A Belle, A Bean & A Chicago Dog) Mug Swap 2011. Ever since, I've been a big fan. I'm happy to have John of The Adventures of Daddy Runs A Lot has … [Continue reading]
Falling In Love

I didn't want to lose my patience today. I didn't want to raise my voice or say no, bad dog or get down. I didn't want to scold or clean up messes. I didn't want to hear whimpering or the annoying squeak of a plush toy. I didn't … [Continue reading]
Happy Sighs

Apart from spending time with my husband, son, puppy and friends, and maybe reading and working out, the thing that makes me the happiest is listening to Dave Matthews Band. In fact, there was an amazing moment on my recent trip to Mexico when … [Continue reading]
Sentimental Value

Sentimental clutter is the adult equivalent of a teddy bear. - Ellen Madere I don't like to shop all that much, I have what I need plus a few extras. My closet isn't bursting at the seams with articles of clothing I never wear. I'm good about … [Continue reading]
Class Of 2026

How did this... ...become this? It feels as though it was just yesterday that I was counting your fingers and toes, learning to perfect the swaddle and swaying you to sleep. Now you know all the planets, are learning to read and have … [Continue reading]
Uno Mas Cerveza, Por Favor

While everyone is giving three cheers for surviving their child's first day of school today, I'm cracking open a cold one, sighing heavily and praising God that I survived my first day back from vacation. Today started way too early and made me … [Continue reading]
There was a little girl, Who had a little curl, Right in the middle of her forehead. When she was good, She was very good indeed, But when she was bad she was horrid. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Three is tough. Three is really … [Continue reading]
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