Instead of catching up on e-mail, playing Words with Friends or chatting with the other mothers while Lucas was in his recent My Gym class, I watched him for the entire hour. I watched the confident way he carried himself and his friendly … [Continue reading]
Change Is (Mostly) Good
I can't believe we have to move. Even though I knew it was coming, it feels like the rug has been pulled out from underneath me. My chest is cramping with stress and the lists running through my head are giving me the spins. The last few … [Continue reading]
Something You Learn

Lizz of Am I a Funny Girl? is my guest today and she is a very proud mama to her son, Max. Her letter to Max makes my heart swell and serves as a beautiful reminder that our children are precious gifts and we should feel so blessed to have them … [Continue reading]
My People

It was almost 5 1/2 years ago and many details of that day remain fuzzy. I'll always regret not standing up to say anything. At the time, there were no words, but still I should have thanked everyone for coming and declared my love for my parents … [Continue reading]
A Belated Valentine To My Dog

Dear Charlie Pasta, You came right to me. You chose me. Out of all your equally adorable little brothers and sisters, you stumbled your way to me. I didn't want an orange and white Brittany, I wanted a liver (chocolate) and white. But your … [Continue reading]
Barbie World

Earlier this week I wrote about Lucas' obsession with cars and it got me thinking about my obsessions as a child. When I was a little girl I used to love playing with Barbies. My first Barbie was Malibu Skipper (Barbie's kid sister) and I … [Continue reading]
The Freshman

Leigh Ann of Genie In A Blog is my guest today with a letter I SO wish I had received upon entering college, when all I had to worry about was scheduling my classes so I wouldn't miss All My Children. Oh, those were the days.... And if I … [Continue reading]
This Is Three
There was a time when I was cursing the terrible threes, when I was at wits end, confused and frustrated and wondered what had happened to my sweet little boy. We do still have days like that, when even with his vast vocabulary, he doesn't have … [Continue reading]
I noticed her shocking pink swimsuit first. It had a tulle ruffle all around the middle. Her face was angelic and eyes bright. Her light brown hair was pulled back in high pigtails secured with white satin bows. She inched her way into … [Continue reading]
What A Difference A Day Makes
Yesterday there were two time-outs before 8 AM. Today there were cuddles, giggles and good morning kisses. Yesterday we had cereal and back talk for breakfast Today we shared pancakes, strawberries and laughter. Yesterday we argued over … [Continue reading]
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