Where did the time go? It seems like just yesterday that we brought you home from the hospital. At three months old, Lucas, you are no longer a newborn. You are now considered an infant; a busy, cooing, gurgling, smiley, curious, happy infant.The … [Continue reading]
Before I got pregnant I used to think no matter how many children I had or how busy my life got, I would make it look effortless. My children and home would always look immaculate, well-groomed and put together. I would always look well-groomed and … [Continue reading]
Too Hot To Think
One of the many things I worried about before you were born is how I would know if you were too hot or too cold. Well, today, I think I got my answer.A crackling heat wave has hit our fair state and the last few days have been almost unbearable. … [Continue reading]
Nine Months And Seven Pounds To Go
I wish I knew why you hated being in your car seat so much. You are fine sitting in it for a moment or two, but once you (quickly) realize what comes next, you start getting very agitated and that leads to a full blown melt down. I can … [Continue reading]
Lesson #1: Independence
You slept in your crib, in your room last night, all night, for the first time!! Needless to say, I spent half the night glued to a fancy 2 x 2 inch LCD video screen, listening to the crackles of air waves (that picked up the baby next door, … [Continue reading]
For My Broken Heart
The last time I saw my parents alive was the day after my wedding, Sunday, August 5, 2007. My sister and I choose to remember them most on October 15, the day we were notified of their passing. Sometime between Friday, October 12, 2007 at 8:00 … [Continue reading]
Moms Need Breaks
It infuriates me when I hear my fellow mommy friends practically begging their husbands, also known as the father of their children, to watch their kids. What is wrong with these dads? Are they afraid of a little parenting? It's a baby...their baby, … [Continue reading]
Have Passport, Will Travel
One of the most interesting things about me is that from ages 7-17, I lived overseas. No, I'm not a military brat, just a brat. :) Actually, my parents worked in American international schools for 28 years. For 10 of those years, I lived with them in … [Continue reading]
Getting To Know You
While your dad was on a business trip in Monterey, you and I spent our very first night alone together (Monday, August 10, 2009) and I sent him this list of a few things that I had learned about you so far: Lucas is very strong-willed and moody … [Continue reading]
Thoughts Shared With A Friend
Here is an excerpt from an e-mail I sent to a friend on Thursday, May 14, 2009 (one month before your due date): I can't believe that I'll be a mommy a month from now, if not sooner! At my last OB appointment I was told our little guy could make … [Continue reading]