Let me just clear away the cobwebs.
It has been a while and I need a few more days to catch my breath…
I didn’t even have my Letters For You guest yesterday. Never fear, my weekly series will resume next week and stay tuned, because I have every Wednesday booked from now through September. I should also add that I haven’t been to visit any of my favorite bloggers lately either. Hopefully soon…
What a crazy, wonderful whirlwind of a week I have had so far!
My best friend, Sophie visited me from New Caledonia as an early birthday present from my husband and we had the best time together. Sophie and I have known each other since we were 14 and this week it was as if we were teenagers again.
We reminisced, caught up, laughed, cried and then laughed some more.
We shared secrets, parenting tips, gifts and hugs.
We went to a Dodger baseball game, spent the day at the spa, went on an epic shopping trip (on which we both found jeans!), had dinner with my girlfriends and watched the sun set from a Duffy boat while eating cupcakes.
I posted a lot of photos on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram of our time together and more are below.
It was perfect.
And now, I’m left missing my friend, of course but I have the biggest smile on my face and my heart is full. The memories of this week will last a lifetime.
After being sick last week and MIA this week, Lucas and I need to get reacquainted. Tomorrow we head to North Carolina to attend a friend’s wedding and spend some quality time together as a family, so Letters For Lucas will be quiet again for a few days.
I hope you are enjoying your summer and loved ones too.