I haven’t blogged all year.
There have been 100 days in 2016 and I haven’t posted a single thing.
Until today.
I write to process and over the last two weeks there has just been too much.
So today I have to write.
On March 29 my good friend, Shane, from both high school and college, found out that his seven year old son, Hollis has DIPG (Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma), an inoperable and incurable cancer. Shane is one of the nicest people I have ever met and his family does not deserve this.
No family does.
The Doherty family faith is unwavering and their support system immense. If there is a God, I hope he’s listening to the thousands of family and friends praying for this precious little boy.
To learn more about this amazing family, watch this from Fox 10 Phoenix: Valley boy battles rare form of brain Cancer.

I created this simple graphic using the app A Beautiful Mess and it warms my heart to see it all over Facebook.
Three days later one of Todd’s former colleagues lost her long battle to cancer.
We then discovered my dear father-in-law was hospitalized while vacationing in China with an pneumonia. Luckily, he made it home safely yesterday, but as we waited for news from around the world as to whether or not his team of doctors were going to allow him to travel, we heard my sister’s fiancé’s mother’s cancer is back. She has a grueling treatment ahead of her.
The next day we learned the sad news that another friend’s father had died.
Death and illness are all part of life, I get that but we have had our fair share of bad news lately and when it keeps coming day in and day out, it’s difficult for me to wrap my head around each blow.
It’s cruel.
When bad things happen it forces me to stop and take inventory and appreciate all the goodness in my life. And to be fair, there was a lot of goodness in the last two weeks too.
My brave friend, Anna gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, Andrew Luke! Her story is absolutely incredible and this baby is already so loved. Back in September, 2014, I shared a review of her book, Rare Bird here: Loss is Loss is Loss.
After months and months of planning, my sweet friend and now business partner (!), Nichole and I launched our social media consulting business, Take Flight. We are over the moon and can’t wait to see where this new venture takes us. We already have three clients and two proposals in the works!
Despite a lot of together time and several rainy days stuck indoors, we survived Spring Break and a quick sun-filled get-away to Palm Springs! Nothing makes me happier than seeing this boy smile and he knows exactly how to make me put just about everything into perspective.
I suppose, you take the good, you take the bad, right?