Remember a few weeks ago when I was bitching up a storm and said that I could provide an entire blog post about all the things I dislike about apartment living? Without further adieu….
The Top 10 Things I Dislike About #ApartmentLiving:
10. I’m 10 years too old for this shit! I’ve lived in my fair share of apartments (six to date beginning at age 20 in college) and it gets old real fast. There’s no privacy, lots of noise and very little space. I know it’s only temporary, but I’ve done my time in apartments and I’m over it!
9. We’re on the third floor with NO elevator (a fact that we did not learn until the day before we moved in)! Think groceries, sleeping child in the car and the transfer, etc.
8. No (personal) yard.
7. Limited storage space, resulting in not one but three separate storage units (don’t ask) including our one car garage.
6. No room for overnight guests (wait, is that really a bad thing?).
5. Our dishwasher is as big as a small Igloo ice chest, as in the size you bring to work for lunch so it gets run at least three times a week.
4. It is nearly impossible to find a parking spot after 9:30 at night. More than once I have had to park at least a 1/2 mile away from my front door.
3. We have a dog who refuses to use his porch potty (see #9).
2. We are constantly on Lucas’ case about his noise level and romping around, which is so unfair to him. He’s four and a boy and loud!
1. I mentioned the noise level, but the fights we overhear, yelling at the TV during major sporting events and pretty much constant barking dogs can really make one go crazy.
I digress… It’s not all bad! I can’t believe it’s already been three months. We have awesome swimming pools, a state of the art gym, free weekly yoga class, maintenance staff that responds quickly and we’re all together. At the end of the day, it really doesn’t matter where we live as long as we have that.
But, I’m still counting down. I have a countdown calendar running on my phone and as of this very minute, we only have 132 days left.
Provided we can find a house!!