It must be nice to be a baby.
Everyone gushes over babies.
Everyone wants to hold babies or be close enough to them to take in their scent and hope that some of their innocence, their newness rubs off.
Babies are life-affirming.
Babies and children are lucky.
They have someone at their beck and call 24/7.
They are fed, dressed, played with, fretted over, sang to and rocked to sleep.
When you’re a child, every single one of your needs is met, usually within moments, people hang on your every word and clap and cheer for you when you do something correct, funny or good.
When you’re a child, you can throw a temper tantrum right in the middle of the grocery store and get away with it.
Aside from all the tender loving care (and exemptions) children are given, they have a clean slate.
They are at the beginning.
A new life.
A fresh start.
Children have their whole lives ahead of them…
Nothing to apologize for yet, nothing to regret or take back, no baggage or insecurities; they’ve never experienced true sadness, regret, envy, loss or pride. They haven’t been disappointed or failed at anything.
They live within a protective bubble of their parents arms, the confines of their comforting home and are safe from the big bad world around them.
…at least for a little while.
Children have so many firsts ahead of them, so much to look forward to, so many things to learn, see, do and experience.
Yep, it’s safe to say I’m jealous of my son, all of his firsts and his beautiful, flawless, soft skin too.