Around the fifth month of pregnancy, the “nesting” stage sets in. This uncontrollable urge to clean one’s house and prepare for a new baby includes tying up loose ends and kicking into über organization mode. It’s a burst of energy and can lead to some pretty irrational thinking, or so I’m told. I’m well past this stage and have been fighting it for weeks because I have nothing to nest…. yet (we move this weekend!!).
People, I’m kind of going crazy.
I’m beyond excited to move, but my mind is reeling!!
In fact, my dear sweet husband calmly pointed out recently that I’m not losing it, I’ve lost it.
He’s right.
While I have had the best pregnancy, my hormones are completely out of whack right now and everything is rubbing me the wrong way, my expectations are higher than ever, I’m on edge, have a To Do list a mile long, the holidays are fast approaching, which sends me into a tail spin every year, I haven’t had an uninterrupted night of sleep in days due to a cough I just can’t shake and I have officially entered the waddle stage of my pregnancy.
We had a family/maternity photo shoot two weekends ago and our photographer and friend, Tereza gently reminded me how far we’ve come to have this baby and hearing this was equal parts satisfying, humbling and exciting, not to mention tremendously bittersweet.
I believe she captured all that and more. Thank you, Tereza from the bottom of my heart.
When Todd and I decided to grow our family, we thought it would be easy, just like when we had Lucas – have sex and get pregnant. Little did we know the journey that we were in store for. Ultimately, it made us a stronger couple and family and we have learned to love more deeply and cherish our gifts. Somewhere in the back on my mind, I knew it would all be worth it in the end.
The longer you wait for something the more you appreciate it when you get it because anything worth having is always worth the wait – Unknown
Day 20: Today I’m grateful for people with whom I vehemently disagree but can always have a good, respectful debate that never feels personal or resentful. It’s all about keeping an open mind and listening. #30daysofgratitude