- You don’t care how many wipes you go through, as long as your fingers don’t have to touch anything nasty.
- You rock out to nursery rhymes and don’t think anything of it.
- If there is a pile of dog poop or a mud puddle at the park, your child will find it, step it and maybe even pick it up and bring it to you (that’s for you, Jenn M.).
- One day your tot will love something (food, song, book, toy, activity) and the next day wants nothing to do with it.
- It’s not even 9:00 in the morning and your house is a wreck.
- It’s all fun and games until someone gets peanut butter in their hair and usually it’s mom!
- There is nothing sweeter than a unsolicited hug.
Seeing Red
Typically I only share the very best side of Lucas; the cute adorable side.
Don’t be fooled, this boy has a range of emotions and in his short 17 months, we have seen him go from happy-go-lucky to pissed off in nothing flat.
Every now and then, I happen to have a camera close by so I can capture this other, more colorful side of my son: This post is for Wordless Wednesdays and if you want to link up or see some really beautiful photographs, visit Alicia at A Beautiful Mess.
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Looking For A Silver Lining
The holiday decorations are up in stores, our mailbox has been littered with catalogs for weeks and there is no escaping the toy commercials on television.
It can only mean one thing: It’s officially the holiday season!
On top of all the preparations that go into Christmas: finding, wrapping and delivering the perfect gifts, capturing a suitable holiday photo for the yearly greeting card, addressing, stamping and mailing the cards, digging out the decorations, streaming the lights, selecting and trimming the tree, attending the gatherings and displaying and maintaining a sense of good will and cheer to all, we are moving!
We are on Day 12 of escrow and provided everything continues to go smoothly, we need to be out of our house the week of Christmas. Gulp. Happy holidays to us! Can you say “bad timing”?
Rather than freak out about about all the tasks at hand, I’m going to look at the bright side:
- We’re no strangers to moving. Since I graduated from college, I have moved 10 times and my husband, three.
- Moving = purging and if not now, then when?
- We don’t have to decorate our house for the holiday.
- It will be wonderful to start the New Year and a new chapter with a new address.
- Our holiday card can double as a “we’ve moved” notification.
- This could be the year I solely use gift bags without guilt instead of painstakingly wrap our presents.
- Lucas will enjoy playing in and with packing boxes, also known as cute photo ops. Too bad we can’t put him to work.
- We have an excuse not to attend or more importantly host any holiday parties.
- Our gifts to each other can be items we need/want for our new home.
Any other silver lining aspects of moving during the holiday season?
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Green With Envy
My sister is on her way to Chicago to be an audience member on the Oprah Winfrey Show!!
Her roommate, Gina contacted the show and submitted a piece on the person she most admires and was selected to be on the show. I’m not sure if she’ll actually be on the show, but she was invited to be in the audience because it’s a topic that Oprah is covering on Tuesday, November 16.
Gina’s inspiration is her grandfather Lou, a World War II Army Veteran and the reason behind her Pin-Ups For Vets calendar project. The nostalgic 1940’s pin-up style calendars feature Gina and are sold to raise money for hospitalized Veterans, personally hand delivered by Gina to VA hospitals across the country and also sent overseas to our deployed troops.
Pin-Ups For Vets is a noble and worthwhile cause and Gina is fantastic at what she does.
Since moving to Los Angeles in January, my unemployed sister has been able to help Gina with her plight and because Gina’s dear grandfather has passed away, she generously invited Leah to accompany her to Chi-town.
Now you know why I’m dying!
What I wouldn’t give to be in Oprah’s audience… especially this year, her last season of the show. And, for the record, I’m also a bit miffed that Leah doesn’t even like Oprah. You read that right and I know what you’re thinking, “Who doesn’t like Oprah?!?!”. Nobody!
I have been a HUGE fan for 25 years and Leah has always given me @#$% for worshiping her, recording her show daily and subscribing to her magazine.
I’ve never been to a Oprah Winfrey Show taping, but have had the pleasure of hearing Ms. Winfrey speak twice and saw her every year at BookExpo when I worked for a book publisher.
So there!
While I may be a green-eyed monster, I do sincerely hope Gina’s project is featured on the show.
Have fun, girls. Oh, and if this turns out to be the “Favorite Things” episode, in which O shares (gives) products with her audience that she feels are noteworthy or that would make a great holiday gift, I fully expect first dibs on any and all swag you bring home. I would love an iPad. I’m just sayin’. 🙂
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Enjoy Your Now
I love reading and my taste in books is as eclectic as my taste in movies, music, clothes and men. Lucas LOVES books, too and my heart swells every time he toddles over with one in hand, ready to climb up on my lap and have me read to him.I read the text and ask him to point out different things in the pictures and he is happy to oblige and ask “what’s that?” over and over and over again. I know when a book is a hit, when his eyes light up and he asks me to read it again.
We visit the bookstore and library often and I spend a lot of money on books. I always have, it’s a family trait or disease, I’m not sure which.
We have books everywhere! I have at least three boxes in our garage, a nightstand of the “next ups” and an entire book case overflowing and at just 17 months old, Lucas’ collection is growing rapidly, too.
He has board books, cloth books, tiny little books and big over-sized books. Right now, he is really into books with flaps and has torn many completely off. I dutifully repair them and hand them back to him until the next time.
He has a ton of books that he can play with (chew) and “read” on his own then there are the “special” books, the ones he’s not allowed to play with without adult supervision, the ones way up on the top shelf of his closet.
These are the books that only come out at bedtime; Where the Wild Things Are, Goodnight Moon, Harold and the Purple Crayon, Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day, Corduroy, Caps For Sale and practically the entire Dr. Seuss collection. Like many of you, I grew up reading these books and they remain special to me today. I believe Lucas knows the difference between these beautifully illustrated hardcover classics and his other books. If he doesn’t, I hope he soon will.
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These Are My Confessions…
Here goes nothing… a list of all (some) of my weird, embarrassing, illegal and shameful activities. I am sure there are more where these came from, but let’s just start here.
Please don’t judge.
- I steal magazines from my doctor’s office.
- I let the gas in my car get dangerously low before I fuel up. We’re talking single digits.
- I have had the same three Netflix movies for four months. What a waste of $68!
- I color my hair and only wash it every three days.
- I screen my phone calls.
- I make our bed within minutes of getting up in the morning.
- I miss working.
- I want to rip a person’s arm off if they take food from my plate.
- I listen to audio books when I walk.
- I cheat at Scrabble, but rarely win.
- I let Lucas watch too much TV.
- I watch too much TV.
- I record Oprah every day and I’ll cry when this season is over.
- I have never read one single Harry Potter book, nor have I seen any of the movies.
- I don’t like to eat leftovers.
- I think there should be a ban on onions. I love the way they taste, but can’t stand the way they make my house smell.
- I can’t get one hand wet without getting the other one wet too.
- I can rarely listen to a song without singing along.
- I can’t stand people that can’t show up on time.
- I stole some erasers and gum from a convenience store when I was in the fifth grade and gold charms with my BFF Sophie when we were in junior high.
- I use subtitles when I watch movies at home.
- I drive over the speed limit and have been know to tail gate.
- I’d rather send an e-mail than pick up the phone.
- I once “borrowed” a scarf from a friend that I never returned.
- I don’t like fish.
- I still have thank you cards to send for gifts we received when Lucas was born.
- I recently bought a Justin Beiber song on iTunes, of course, if you got your hands on my iPod, you’d think I was schizophrenic.
- I floss my teeth (when I floss) before I brush them.
So, there you have it. Well, some of it. What dirty little secrets are your hiding?
This post is forMama Kat’s Writer’s Workshop– Prompt #2: What are your confessions? (inspired by Usher)
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Planes, Trains & Automobiles
I took Lucas to the Bay Area last week to visit his grandparents and as a boy through and through, he is completely obsessed with planes, trains and automobiles.This post is for Wordless Wednesdays and if you want to link up or see some really beautiful photographs, visit Alicia at A Beautiful Mess.
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You Know You’re A Mom When-sDaze
You know you’re a mom when…
- You now know better than to take snacks to a public place unless you have enough for everybody there.
- You make your child repeat certain words because they just sound so cute coming out of their mouths.
- Your heart drops a little when you watch your toddler run up and down any surface with an incline. All you can envision is a broken nose and bloody fat lip.
- You can’t understand how so many sippy cups go missing. They must be hanging put with all the lost socks from the dryer.
- You are thankful for the kind fellow passengers on the airplane that not only put up with your child running their toy trains up and down their arm and your terrible singing, but also share their pretzels.
- You child uses other people’s legs for support and nobody seems to mind.
- Your holidays, birthdays and other significant events are a lot sweeter when a little person is around to share them with.
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Being There
One of my favorite blogs is Sherri’s Old Tweener. She is a self proclaimed “forty-something mom looking for humor in everyday life” and the way she writes is not only witty, but extremely heartfelt and very relatable.
Sherri is a loyal Letters for Lucas reader and comments on almost every one of my posts. Her words always make me feel better about myself, what I’ve shared and what I’m going through as someone who still considers herself a new mom.
If you don’t already follow Old Tweener, you should and if nothing else, please check out one of my very favorite posts, Exit Interview. It’s a superb look at the changing role of mother as our children grow up.
I am honored to have Sherri guest posting for me today on what she wish she had known when she first became a mother. Thank you and cheers, Sherri!
Reading Letters for Lucas always takes me back to those early mommyhood days, and I love how much heart and honesty Tonya puts into her writing. I was so happy when she asked me to do a guest post! I tried to imagine what advice I would give her, as an old mommy to a newer one, if we sat down for a virtual glass of wine.
When my son was first born and I was wading thigh-high in the overwhelming details of new motherhood, there were some things I thought were so important. Things that if done properly, would ensure that my little guy would be the perfect child.
You know which child I am talking about. They are usually seen only in tear-jerking movies or in commercials for diapers or baby food. They smile on cue, are early readers, easy potty-trainers, sleep through the night from the start, and never drool or blow out a diaper.
Now I know that child doesn’t exist. What a relief.
I wish someone had told me that sooner, rather than me having to spend the better part of 16 years to come to that astonishing conclusion. That some of the things that seem so important when you have small children really don’t matter. Things like:
There, I said it.
Did you know that some of these milestones have huge windows during which they can happen? I didn’t. And I spent a lot of time observing my kid, other kids, reading mommy books, and making lists.
Get a bunch of infant/toddler/preschool moms together and the topics turn rather quickly to milestones. Has yours rolled over? Crawled? Babbled? Got teeth yet? Used a straw? Written his name? Dressed himself? Learned Morse code? And so on.
And for the most part, kids find their own way of doing things; maybe not even in the “right” order. Unless it really seems like something to consult your pediatrician over, it seems like a lot of these can just be things to let go.
My son never did a “true” crawl; his style was more of a butt-scoot with crazy legs and arms propelling him all around the house. He went on to actually walk, ride a bike, run, and develop the standard teen slump in his shoulders. Talking? I don’t think he’s ever stopped. And while he does now dress himself, I would like to see more of his clothes in the hamper than on the floor.
Academics & Preschool
As soon as the toddler phase started, along came the whole academics phase. Unfortunately, this phase is still going on at my house, and will continue as he goes off to college next fall. It starts with letters, colors, sounds, naming things, and just explodes from there.
I worried about selecting the best books from the library, reading him Dr. Seuss and Shel Silverstein, teaching him all the right names for the dinosaurs, and sending him to the right preschool. Did it matter in the end? Not really. What mattered was that I spent time talking to him, reading to him (whether it was Sports Illustrated, Garfield comics, or Dr. Seuss), being involved, and answering his questions. So many questions. And now that he’s a teenager, the preschool he attended doesn’t matter at all. Nor does the fact that I actually pulled him out of preschool the spring before he went to kindergarten because I decided he didn’t need it. And he was fine.
We all want the best for our kids, and at no time does that ring truer than when we buy them stuff. I really, really wanted the right stuff for my son…whether it was the Little Tikes car he could drive, the adorable playhouse, or the dinosaurs he obsessed over.
And now? All that stuff is long gone or crammed into boxes in the attic (if I can’t bear to part with it just yet). I think what really mattered wasn’t so much that he had the latest and greatest toys when he was little, but just that he had things to spark his imagination.
Some of our best times were spent with sand buckets at the park or in the kitchen with utensils, pots, and pans doing a pre-Wii version of Rock Band. Sometimes I filled the sink with water, pulled up a step stool, and let him have at it. Food coloring in the water made it an instant ocean for his dinosaurs; bubbles made it a volcano; ice cubes were perfect for the polar bears.
Don’t get me wrong; I still bought him way too many things when he was little. Add the fact that he was the first grandchild/nephew on both sides, and he got lots of loot. And we had fun with it.
But looking back now, so much of it was overkill and unnecessary.
If I could go back and do the infant/toddler years again, I would:
- Leave the dishes in the sink now and then. They aren’t changing, but the kids sure are.
- Make a mess more often. Mud washes out, water dries, and paint fades. Memories don’t.
- Cuddle on the couch when they want to. Because they won’t always want to.
- Break the rules more often, just because it’s fun.
- Be more spontaneous. I worried so much about my son’s schedule that we may have missed out on some fun things. Not anymore.
- Remind myself that the days may seem long, but the years are short.
- Laugh with them more. Even if I don’t think it’s that funny. Because it’s good medicine.
They fly through those younger years on jet-packs it seems, so put your helmet on and just be there. Because really? That’s all those little ones really need.
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