My daughter.
She’s feisty and fun and full of sunshine.
This girl smiles all the time.
And her smile is infectious. I hope she always has that ability, the world could use more friendly faces.
I can’t believe she’ll be two soon. Why does childhood go by so fast?
My brave, strong, fearless daughter.
She loves being read to, going for walks around the block, blowing dandelions, jumping on the trampoline with her brother and doing “homework” each school night right by his side.
Watching the two of them together makes my heart swell. Knowing they will always be there for one another is the best feeling a mother can have.
We fought so hard for this little girl. But that’s just a faded memory now.
We needed her and she was meant to be ours.
Our family was perfect before and now it’s complete.
My daughter.
She is too precious for words.
And yet you do a good job of it.