I love turning the calendar on a new month, but especially June! June is full of happy.
Today is Charlie Pasta’s third birthday and from the moment I first held him, I knew he was meant to be ours. He drives me absolutely bananas 90 percent of the time, but he’s loyal and sweet, great with my children, my husband’s best friend and super cute, so our love/hate relationship will continue forever.
June also marks the end of the school year and Lucas is just days from graduating from Kindergarten and turning six! His Golden Birthday is Saturday. I can’t believe either. As much as I enjoy starting a new month, I wish time could be paused.
Lucas has grown so much this school year! He has fallen deeper in love with books, insists on reading to us most nights, writes his own adventure stories, has discovered Skylanders, is an awesome big brother to Lola and has started exerting his opinion, space and will in a very big way.
Case and point:
I’m looking forward to a fun summer. O_o
To help alleviate some of the stress, my in-laws will be in town all summer, allowing them an opportunity to get to know the other half of the state better and spend quality time with their grandchildren. Yay!! We are grateful for their help.
Lastly, June is my birthday month! I’ll be 43 on June 26 and this morning my In Box was flooded with cool discounts and free stuff. If you didn’t know you could celebrate your special day all month long, read this post I wrote a couple of years ago: A Month Long Celebration. Free stuff is great and all, but I’m excited about a birthday weekend getaway with my husband. We haven’t decided where to yet, but there will be sun and cocktails and lounging by the pool!
It’s going to be quite the month!! What are you looking forward to in June?
Sounds like an amazing month ahead!
Wow, June feels like so long ago! A lot has happened since the beginning of the summer. Cheers to a fun-filled and maybe a little more relaxing fall!