I love to exercise.
No, really.
I am not a fitness guru nor do I wear a size 2, but I’m strong and determined and love to move.
I entered a gym for the first time as a Freshman in college on the University of Arizona campus and have been intrigued by how the body and muscles works and how certain foods and my diet make me feel.
I love the physiology of exercise and how moving our bodies increase endorphins, adrenaline, dopamine and serotonin. Just a few of the cocktail of chemicals and hormones that are released in the body beautifully and naturally every time you exercise. There have been many times in my life when I have come to rely on exercise, instead of say, antidepressants or copious amounts of liquor. There is a strong link between exercise and happiness.
These days I spend more time walking or running along the beautiful Southern California coast, throughout my neighborhood or at a nearby nature center than I do in a gym. I almost always have a sleeping sidekick in a stroller. I’m careful to plan my walks around Lola’s nap time and “we” log anywhere between 12-15 miles per week. I will chat with Lola, call a friend, listen to This American Life or music or sometimes let the sound of my own breath center me. I let my mind wander and find an inner peace.
If I don’t get an hour or more of exercise time every day, I go nuts. Or I make the people around me nuts. It doesn’t always happen and I try not to beat myself up about it if it doesn’t.
One of the very best gifts I have ever received was a treadmill and I’ve been known to hop on it well after dark.
I exercise so that I can eat.
Like, really eat.
I exercise to think.
I exercise to challenge myself and push my limits. If I’m not walking, I’m struggling at the ballet barre, a class I am bound and determined to conquer or doing yoga.
Exercise is empowering It’s my “me time”, although I am seldom alone having pushed both Lucas and Lola for miles and miles or being pulled my Charlie Pasta, it is my time to pause and force everything else going on in my life aside and do something just for me.
Do you like to move? What is your exercise of choice?
I want to exercise more and I do like it very much when I do it. But I am ambitious and overwhelmed by life. Often when I’m not moving it’s because I only have an hour before I have to go teach or pick up the kids and I’m thinking of all the e-mails I want to respond to or the posts I have to write or the book I have to edit. But if I can get off the hamster wheel, moving more would do me a world of good.
Nothing I have found clears my mind more than a brief walk. Even if it’s only around the corner. Hope you can find some time. I know it’s easier said than done, we are all so busy!
The part where your mind wanders and you’re alone with your thoughts? That’s my favourite part! I love walking and running – it’s my exercise of choice – and I always feel so much better for having made the time.
Oh, mine too. It’s grounding. I’m currently training for a 10K. EEK!!!
My favorite form of moving, is hands down – yoga.
I used to run. And realized I hate it, lol.
Yes, I hate running too, but always love it after I do.
Yoga is the best. I’ve been practicing on and off for 16 years.
I am so glad you introduced me to Cardio Barre! I am really enjoying and I even brought a friend to class last night and this Sunday, I will be taking two more to class with me!
Like most people, I have a love-hate relationship with working out. I adore the way I feel post workout and I don’t even really mind the act of doing it either, it’s the beforehand that I struggle with and of course making the time for it. I always wish I had more time to work out. I am really trying hard these days to make time for the Cardio Barre classes though so let’s hope I continue with it!
Getting there physically and mentally is the hardest part but no one ever completed a work out and said, “I wish I hadn’t done that”. (: