Happy New Year! I hope your 2015 is off to a stupendous start.
Although I’m not quite sure why, I just renewed my domain name.
I only blogged 83 times last year.
Pathetic, right?
Especially for someone who has so much to say.
Blogging has changed a lot in the last six years but my reasons for doing it have not. It’s primarily for myself, to keep family and friends updated and for my children to read someday.
I had planned to share photos of our Christmas (Lola’s first!), a 2014 recap and my New Year resolutions (read and write MORE!!), but I doubt that’s going to happen.
I’m sitting here staring at a blinking cursor and thinking about all the blank pages ahead of me, all the words I will use to fill 2015. I have high hopes of being more disciplined and consistent with my writing and actually making some of the blog post ideas I have a reality. I look forward to confidently submitting my writing and on the days I’m not writing or fretting over writing, I hope I’m living in the moment.
I have a full and very rich life and my blank pages will fill themselves.
I hope you will stick around for the ride, no matter how infrequent.
I am here, to read all your pages. 🙂
Thank you! At least someone is reading. (:
I think it would be weird if you blogged the same amount now with two children. You should be too busy spending time with them and living life.
I know I’ll always he here reading and commenting! 🙂
Thanks for being one of my first and most consistent readers. xoxo
I look forward to reading the pages you fill this year, no matter how many there are.