Okay, so it Lego or Legos?
I have always said Lego singular but my husband always says Legos plural and it drives me nuts.
It is quite possible that he adds the s just to irk me.
Whatever you call them, I hate them! They are murderous when stepped on and so difficult to keep away from baby’s tiny fingers.
Lucas and his dad spend hours together with the interlocking pieces of genius that foster fun and creativity and he is completely obsessed, as demonstrated by the number of places I find the delightful and colorful plastic bricks throughout our house. And I’m not just talking about in between the couch cushions, although we do find them there.
I’m referring to all the other the random places! These photos were taken over the course of ONE WEEK.
I couldn’t make this shit up if I tried.
If you have a child who plays with Lego, where is the oddest place you’ve found them?
I say Legos. Hearing it as ‘Lego’ is jarring to my ears. It’s just what I grew up calling them. We got rid of all of ours last year. Then for Christmas my son got a new set. Seems no one can ever really quit Lego(s).
Ah… you’re on my husband’s team. (:
As much as they bug the crap out of me, I love ’em too and enjoy building with them.
Todd’s mom gave us his old bag full and Lucas was thrilled.
I love that you found one in your sunglasses case, and hah, Lola’s pant leg!
We haven’t bought any Lego for the boys yet, and curse whoever is thinking of getting some for them. DON’T. 🙂
The one in Lola’s pants must have gone through the wash. Good to know they are so durable, huh?
You might want to rethink that… they occupy Lucas for hours on end, especially the more intricate the set. Just saying!
This is too funny! It’s certainly scary now that Lola is moving around everywhere and could swallow one of those! Yikes!
Lucas wants to get her her own set of Lego for her birthday.