This photograph was taken almost 10 years ago in Nabeul, one of Tunis’s major ceramic centers. I was 32 years old.
Todd and I were visiting my parents, who lived in Tunisia at the time. My father was the elementary principal and my mother taught third grade at the American international school.
They played great hosts by taking us to see some beautiful places near their home. Looking through the photos from our trip, I am also reminded of our visit to El-Jem, known for it’s ancient Colosseum, sheep blocking roads (no trip to Africa would be complete without it) and our stay at the gorgeous African Jade hotel in Korba. The indoor/outdoor lobby was covered in vines. One of my favorite photos of me and father was taken in that lobby.
I also received one of the best massages I’ve ever had at the hotel spa.
Although our visit was memorable, I left unsettled. My parents seemed unhappy and stressed. They seemed happy that we were there, but preoccupied. The director my father was working for and with at the time was difficult and dropping the ball, leaving him to pick up the pieces. As I recall, it was his last year at the school and things did get better the following year.
When this photo was taken, Todd and I never thought we would return to Tunis two years later to remove the contents of my parents house or attend a memorial service given in their honor at the school.
When this photo was taken, Todd and I were two years from getting married and four from becoming parents.
A lot can happen in a year, but a lifetime can occur in 10 years!
My parents are no longer with us and my life looks much different today, so much loss and yet so much gain.
This is me today.
You can’t see it, but I’m wearing the same necklace I was wearing 10 years ago, a Raphael angel that I cling to in times of worry or unease.
My children have my father’s eyes.
This post was written for Mama Kat’s Writer’s Workshop, Prompt 1. Find a photo of yourself taken 10 years ago and display it on your blog along with a current photo. How have you changed since the day that photo was taken?
I heard nothing but good things from mom and dad about that trip. They loved having you and Todd there. I can’t remember where was I?? Was it during the school year for me? I’m glad that you guys made that trip to visit them.
Love these pictures. You, Lucas and Lola definitely have Daddy’s eyes. I think mine are sort of an odd combo of Mom’s and Dad’s I think. 🙂
You may have been in school, but I know you spent part of the following summer there.
You are right, a lifetime can happen in 10 years. I love that you wear the same necklace and that your children have your father’s eyes. So sweet.
That necklace is a constant in my life and one that I treasure.
Your children definitely have his eyes! Sorry for your los, but it sounds as though you’ve made a beautiful life since that your parents would be proud of.
Thank you, I truly hope so. I’m pretty happy with my life, but I wish they were here.
A lot may have happened in 10 years, but you haven’t aged!
I’ve been to Tunisia, it was lovely.
You are too kind and yes, Tunis is beautiful. I hope to return one day.
A lifetime CAN happen in 10 years and I find it amazing that you’re still wearing the same necklace. So symbolic.
What great photos and a loving memory, Tanya. Thank you for sharing your parents with us in this way. xoxo