The last month of pregnancy feels strangely like the first month of pregnancy, you’re tired all the time, uncomfortable and walk around in a complete state of disbelief.
I’ve had a great pregnancy with very few of the typical “negative” symptoms that usually accompany these very long nine+ months and I am grateful to have gotten this far without incident, but there are some things about these last few weeks that just make me want to laugh or cry, depending on my hormone level…
- In the two hours you are out of the house, you have visited three public restrooms.
- You can burst into tears, lose your temper and/or fall asleep at the drop of a hat.
- You have reached a point when you can no longer put your own shoes on and socks are difficult too because you can’t see your feet and it’s just too hard!
- You wonder if your boobs will ever look normal again.
- Shaving is done with blind ambition.
- You make five dozen cookies, a cheese ball and assemble a lasagna at 5 o’clock in the morning because you can’t sleep!
- Your feet are so swollen that you can squeeze them and leave indentations. So unattractive!
- When you feel a sneeze coming on, you’re terrified you’re going to pee in your pants.
- Your husband makes more grunts when helping you off the couch than you do.
- You think the strangest combinations of food sound good and have indulged in them. More than once.
- There is no sweeter sound than hearing your baby’s heartbeat or watching her move on a small black-and-white screen.
- You could deliver at any moment and you are both terrified and over the moon excited.
It won’t be long now…
so true!
Uh, please tell me I’m not 37 weeks pregnant! I’m feeling the same way 1-6. 🙂 Congrats on your successes this year and good luck with the baby! So exciting!
So true!!
I laughed out loud at #5. I remember that. 🙂
Oh God, so SO true. I could pee and laugh at this list. (And then make some weird combo food.) How long can I get away with these listed reasons, post-partum?
The only “shoes” I could fit my feet into at the end of my pregnancy with James were the old style Crocs, and barely into those. I was super stylish.
Hang on momma. You’re almost there!
I can relate to many of those things (although it seems so long ago now).
Congrats on making it through so far and gear up, honey because I think you’re up for a wild ride very, very soon with 2 littles.
Happy New Year to you.
#5 made me laugh! (and OMG yes, so true)
Nearly there!!
final stretch! woot woot! these are spot on.
Totally. 🙂 You almost make me miss it!
I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!