I always wanted a big brother, someone to look up to besides my parents, team up with against our parents and have look over me with an extra protective eye. I wanted an in-house best friend, secret keeper, rival and real life yard stick to which all boyfriends would have to measured up to.
I wished for a sibling for years and years before my sister was finally born. We are close, but the almost 12 year age gap between us has been challenging at times. When our parents died I could not have imagined going through that on my own. My sister is the only one that truly understands and shares that grief with me.
I wanted a second child for Lucas, a sibling close to his age, someone to bond with for life, grow up beside and in the event that anything ever happens to me or his dad, someone to help bear the burden and be sad with.
There is no doubt in my mind that Lucas is going to be an amazing big brother. He is already so conscientious about his little sister’s arrival, constantly thinking about her and asking if we should purchase this item or that for her, sharing what he plans to teach her once she’s here and asking questions about what she may be like.
This is his first drawing of his sibling. She’s all eyes, cheeks and smile. And those are her “little legs peeking out of her blanket”.
“A sibling may be the sole keeper of one’s core identity, the only person with the keys to one’s unfettered, more fundamental self.” – Marian Sandmaier
Day 5: Sunflowers… They’re big, bright, striking and always make me smile. #30daysofgratitude
OMG adorable, I have a sister who is 4 years younger than me. I begged for her and even described how she would look and she is everything I wished for! Siblings are the best, even when you don’t agree at times. So happy to see your son drawing his baby sister.
It’s a framer for sure! My sweet boy.
Great picture – the eyes and the smile are awesome! And baby cheeks, they are the best 🙂
I know, the cheeks, oh, the cheeks!!
That’s the sweetest!! I can’t wait to see him love on her when she gets here!
I’m especially excited about their very first meeting too! (:
I cannot wait to see Lucas with his little sister! And yes, I agree, he will be a great big brother to her. This picture is adorable!
Cute, right?!
This is so lovely and sweet. I love that he is so excited about his baby sister.
We are all excited about her and she just can’t get here soon enough!!
SO exciting!
I love kiddie artwork. It never fails to make me smile, and this is no exception. LOVE!
I know, isn’t it the best? I love their interpretation of things and people to be.
So sweet.
It’s been a rough day but that picture made me smile.
Thanks, Lucas.
Aw, glad we could help brighten your day!
So very sweet!
He will be an awesome big brother.
I think so too!
I love this. And yes, Lucas will be a wonderful big brother, because you’re giving him the loving foundation of how a family should be.
Thank you for saying so, I’m trying!
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