I like Halloween as much as the next person; seeing children scurry from house to house in the dark screaming, “trick or treat”, indulging in a treat or six myself, marveling over people’s costume creativity and since becoming a mother, attending Lucas’ preschool Halloween parade has become a huge highlight and taking him out to beg for goodies with his friends is a lot of fun.
But, I have a teeny tiny public service announcement….
The day after Halloween last year while out walking Charlie, I picked up over 70 candy wrappers in my neighborhood. It would have been more, but I only had one bag.
I was completely appalled!
Litter attracts rodents and insects and loose garbage can make it’s way to waterways and harm fish, or birds might eat it and choke, not to mention, it’s ugly to look at.
When discussing Halloween safety, PLEASE also talk to your children about littering or better yet, have them wait to dive into their treat bags until they get home.
Thank you, be safe and have fun trick-or-treating with your little pumpkins!
I don’t like Halloween, but I love not being a litter bug 🙂
Very good point!
I remember this! Disgusting. I can see one or two slipping, but this should definitely be a PSA!
Great PSA, Tonya! Littering in general is abhorrent.
Wow, that’s nuts! I totally hide mine under the other trash in my trash can so… ;-0
Seriously, good reminder, Tonya!
Such a good point, you! Have to grab at those teachable moments as they come up!
(And I love that you picked all of those up!!)
Wow, that’s a lot! I don’t remember seeing many around our area, but I’m sure there are some. Great PSA!
Yikes! That’s awful!
FYI. Oops! We just had someone point out to us after we reposted the article on the Keep Iowa Beautiful Facebook page that the image for the Halloween PSA above has a Typo “liter” instead of “litter.” Mistakes happen… But what a great message about candy wrapper litter and using halloween as a time to teach children about not littering.
Thank you for pointing that out to me! Agh. I have corrected the image. (: