Our day started much too early.
That’s no excuse.
Play with me.
I was short.
I was preoccupied. With what? My “To Do” list for the day? The thoughts in my head? The laundry? It could all wait. Facebook status updates? Who really cares? The latest move in my Words With Friends game? Please.
Can we go the park?
Too hot.
The beach then!?!
Too much work.
Let’s play Go Fish!
What about Candyland or Connect Four? Uno?
Double ugh!
Why do dogs have tails? Can I paint my finger nails sometime? When can I have gum? What’s your new favorite color? When are we going to see my cousins again? Do I have school tomorrow? What about the day after? Are airplanes or trains faster? Can I have a snack? Why don’t we have strawberries? Can you buy some? Do you know where my Francesco is?
Oh. My. God. The never ending questions!
I was tired and it wasn’t even 9:00 AM. What am I going to do with this kid for the next 10 hours?Â
Mom, watch this!
I doled out simple tasks to keep him busy. I asked him to line up his cars, help me unload the dryer, throw this away, take that to the other room, let the dog out of his crate, etc.
Peace and quiet in two minute increments.
Can I watch a show?
One show turned into six. Three hours of television. That’s at least two more hours of screen time than we like him to have on a daily basis. My ultimate personal definition of bad/lazy/neglectful parenting.
Mom, sit with me.
It was an extremely long day; one where the minutes deliberately ticked by and mocked me. I couldn’t help but stare at the clock and will time to move forward.
My husband got home and mercifully took over as I busied myself in the kitchen washing up dinner dishes and beating myself up.
And still…. even though I was feeling incredibly guilty, but knowing the next day would be different, knowing I would have another chance to be better, knowing the promise that comes with a new day, what does my sweet son say to me when I kiss him goodnight?
You are the best mommy in the whole world.
They/kids just want so much to be with you and part of your world. Those moments stop me dead in my tracks, too. They help me remember how lucky I am, even though I’ve just had an exhausting day and probably just want a few, question-free moments to myself.
LOVE this….
Children are remarkably forgiving and adaptable. Don’t be too hard on yourself. You’re a great Mom. xo
Damn those kids…they know exactly what to say!
Hugs to you for a better day! And we need to chat…xo
Oh, that’s the worst (and the best!) when I feel like I’ve had a day full of mom fail and my kids still shower me with love and praise. And not every day is that day where I can give 100% to my kids. Hugs.
He is sweet because of you. Don’t beat yourself up because of one rough day. Obviously, Lucas didn’t see it that way. And…we all have them. Noticing that the day didn’t go as it should is what makes you a great mama!
You will have a better day, and they really are great reminders of how we don’t have to be our best all the time to be good parents overall. xo
Kids don’t remember that they didn’t go to the beach, they remember all of the things we help them do, or let them help with, the whole series of two-minute activities and the treat of tv. 🙂
Oh how I relate to this. Some of our hardest days here are the ones where I just keep blowing the kids off…why? Who knows. It’s not like I am actually getting things done. And yet, at the end of the day, Eddie tells me he loves me more than the wide world. I don’t feel deserving of such love and forgiveness. It’s a mother’s guilt, right?
Thank goodness we ARE the best moms in the whole world…most days 😉
We all have days like this, my friend! I completely understand, and relate. Their love is so pure and perfect!
I have to believe that someday when our children look back fondly on their childhoods, a day that looks exactly like this will be one of their happy memories. Love doesn’t need an activity to be shown.
You are a great mom!
Ohhhh…yes. This. This day. And even as it’s happening, it HURTS YOUR SOUL/FACE/BEING. You are a great Mom. Some days are just like this. Some days you just…can’t.
Wow I needed to read this today, thanks….
It’s funny, I read posts written by mothers, and even when they describe the hard days like you did, I still see the beauty. It reminds how excited I am to have that one day.
And some days are like that here too. They just want us, you know? Also, what a sweet boy you have 🙂 xx
The days are long. We’ve all been there and beat ourselves up for it. That little tag line at the end of the night is our message that it’s okay, and that we are doing better than we realize.
🙂 nothing like a child’s unconditional love!
You are the best mommy in the world. You are the only one Lucas wants and the only one he needs.
You indeed are the best mommy for Lucas. XOXO