Ugh! I’m a mess. I honestly don’t know if I’m coming or going.
I do know that I have become the worst blogger ever. No, that can’t be true. I am the worst guest host ever. My weekly series, Letters For You is suppose to run on Wednesdays (technically, Tuesday nights) and here it is almost FRIDAY and I am just now posting this. I literally lost an entire day this week.
My sincere apologies to Jennifer, my guest and all of you waiting with bated breath.
Jennifer of Jennifer P. Williams (previously, Mom Made It Look Easy) is my guest today.
Jennifer has lost something and would love to have it back…. Good God, can I identify as proven by my lackadaisical mind this week.
Dear Mojo,
I hope this letter finds you. I know it has been awhile since we’ve hung out, and I’m not sure whether or not you’ve moved. All I know is that I can’t seem to get in touch with you. Did you leave me Mojo? Did you? You can tell me. I promise I can take it. Was it Hormones? Did she scare you away? I know she can be a real bitch, but she’s only around a few days a month. If I promise to try to keep her under control will you come back?
If it wasn’t her, could it have been Lazy? She’s been showing up a LOT lately, stinking up the place, throwing her dirty laundry everywhere. I can definitely understand why you wouldn’t want to hang out with her. Do you think you could come over for a visit if I kick her out? I know Creativity has been missing you. She’s been throwing around ideas like crazy, but without you she can’t seem to do anything with them. You really are the glue that holds the whole Right Brain thing together.
Or is it me? Have I pushed you away with Distractions and Excuses? I promised at the beginning of the year to keep my focus, but sadly, I feel that between sometime then and now I’ve lost it. I wanted to do great things this year. I wanted to write and take photos and organize my house and update some of the rooms. It feels like you, Mojo, and Focus are the knife and the fork, but instead of running away with the spoon, you’ve ran away with me. The real me. The me that yearns to do and be and think and feel more.
I need you back. I need my essence. I need my drive. I need that thing that makes me me. I need you. You complete me. See, I can’t even do better than a corny movie line without you. Please. Come home.
Love always,
I hope Mojo comes home to Momma soon, Jennifer1!
Tonya – I don’t know… you and I might be competing for “worst blogger ever” title. (Can you imagine if THAT were an award?!)
Jennifer – I too have lost my mojo… in so many things. I wonder if all of our mojo’s are hanging out together somewhere?
They probably are. Partying it up. Laughing at our expense. Jerks.
Thank you Tonya for sharing my letter, and you are totally NOT the worst guest post hoster ever. I’m sure I’ve done worse.
Plus, mojo, seriously. I couldn’t even put sometime and between in the right order. Sheesh.
Jennifer, I hope your mojo reads your lovely letter and returns soon.
Me too!!!
It’s around someplace! It might be on vacation – maybe you should go find it there!! And if it isn’t at least you’ll have had a vacation?
I like this plan.
I totally know this. Maybe your Mojo and mine went to Mexico together?
Did your mojo sneak out all stealth like, not even leaving a note? Did she take any bags? Mine walked right up to me, tapped me on the temple, and said, I’m out. Wait! Are ALL of our mojos on some secret ship of mojo vacation together?
I bet it’s at the beach having a “Mojo Mojito”. Oh my gosh, I totally crack myself up!!!!
If your Mojo finds my Mojo, will you please tell them to get their asses home pronto? I WILL call you by your full name, MOJO EUGENE MOGO GET YOUR LOUNGING BUTT HOME RIGHT NOW.
As far as I can tell Jennifer, you’ve got major mojo! You’re one courageous mama.