Instead of catching up on e-mail, playing Words with Friends or chatting with the other mothers while Lucas was in his recent My Gym class, I watched him for the entire hour.
I watched the confident way he carried himself and his friendly interaction with his classmates and teachers and I don’t think I have ever been prouder.
Not only did he tumble, jump, twirl and dance, he waited patiently for his turn to walk across the balance beam and somersault down the inclined mat.
I watched him cheer his classmates on with encouraging, “you can do it!” and “that was awesome!”.
I watched him look to his instructors for approval and smile brightly at me from across the room.
I watched him make space on the mat for others and beamed at his enthusiastic, “ta-da”, the gym’s mantra. Talk about heart melting! He was so proud of himself.
I watched him hold on with all his might on the high bar barely completing three chin lifts, but he did it!
I watched him stifle his laughter while climbing across a rope ladder and heard him squeal with pure delight on the mini zip line. The thumb’s up her gave me upon reaching the opposite wall was priceless.
There are moments in motherhood, rare and magical that make all the frustration, worry and hard work worthwhile, moments when you just know in your gut you’ve got a great kid and you’re doing okay as a parent and this was definitely one of them for me.
Lucas had fun, was polite and courteous and tried his very best. What more could a mother ask for?
Tonya, you are an awesome mom to Lucas! His behavior is a reflection of the love and support you and Todd give him daily. So glad you got to take all that in recently. I really enjoy those moments, too, when I stop and just really watch my girls. These are the moments we will remember and can’t get back. Crazy to think that Lucas and Brenna are approaching 4! Hugs to you guys!!
You’re such a very supportive mother Tonya! For sure, Lucas is so proud of you. And, mothers out there will be inspired how you take care of your kids… Thanks for sharing! 🙂
That’s wonderful! You are a great Mom. Look at what a great kid Lucas is.
You are such an amazing mother to him and it shows through who he is. These are the moments you will hold on to forever.
A million dollars? College totally paid for? Paid time off?! Sounds like you are doing brilliantly.
I definitely noticed all of this when I watched him during that gym class awhile ago with me. Lucas is such an awesome kid and will only show you more and more of what an amazing mom you are as he grows older and really demonstrates what you have taught and shown him. The day that boy opens a door for me I am going to lose it! 🙂 I love that the teachers at that gym have the kids say “ta da” after they’ve completed the task. Too cute!
This post makes me so excited! Eddie is starting gymnastics and swimming in April. He is pretty excited and I can’t wait to see how he does.
Sometimes I put down what I’m doing when L is at gymnastics to watch her. It’s nice to see her learning how to tumble and (mostly) listen to the teacher.