My father was born and raised in Shamrock, a small town 89 miles east of Amarillo in the Texas Panhandle. In its heyday there were 3,778 people living in the once popular stopover on historical Route 66. With the construction of Interstate-40, the town was bypassed and all but forgotten (think of the movie Cars before Lightening came to town). Today there are fewer than 2000 people living in Shamrock.
Shamrock has become a sad and dismal place with many lawns that have not been tended, partly due to harsh winters and frequent droughts, but mostly, I believe, because the residents have lost some of their spirit. With the loss of tourists, Shamrock is little more than home to one of the biggest St. Patrick’s Day celebrations in the country and the famous U-Drop Inn, which inspired Ramone’s auto paint shop in Cars.
My grandfather, Joseph Marshall Adams, owned and operated Adams Motor Freight for a number of years. It was Shamrock’s sole transfer and storage company. He had four trucks that hauled mostly military goods, arms and equipment to US Air Force Bases in Amarillo and Oklahoma City.
In 1944 my grandfather sold his trucking business and purchased the Douglas Hardware Store. He changed the name to Adams Hardware.
Three years later my father was born.
Leroy Wall was one of the store’s most loyal and trusted employees. He made deliveries, repaired refrigerators, washers, driers, installed windmill parts, pipes, etc. Leroy worked at the hardware store for more than 20 years and remained a close family friend for the remainder of his life.
My grandmother, Ruby McCasland Adams, had worked in the early 1930’s for American Telephone and Telegraph Company as a telephone operator. Although she had helped out at the hardware store, she had little knowledge of many of the important functions until my grandfather’s sudden death in 1953 from a heart attack.
Ruby, with three young sons at home had little choice other than to assume the full responsibility of running Adams Hardware. Leroy Wall was a huge factor in her ultimate success. Her sons Robert, a senior in high school, and David, an eighth grader, helped after school and during school breaks. My father, Michael, was just six years old when he lost his dad, but helped the family out by sweeping floors and other odd jobs.
My grandmother was told by the owners of Kersh-Griffin, one of the competing hardware stores in Shamrock, that her business would not last a year. Already a pillar of strength, I can only imagine what this comment did for her determination. Needless to say, Adams Hardware outlasted the other three hardware stores by many many years.
When Ruby died in a tragic car accident in August 1979, her oldest son Robert elected to stay local and manage the store. David lived, worked and was raising his family in Dallas and my father was about to embark on one of the biggest adventures of his life; he and my mother had accepted teaching positions in Karachi, Pakistan. I had just turned seven years old and would be in my mother’s second grade class that fall.
The hardware store was built in 1900 and to this day is a sight to behold. The original wood floors are still beautiful and the ceiling is entirely covered in tin tiles, probably worth a small fortune. The cash register, scale and safe, as well as the show cases and fixtures date from the late 1800’s. My sister and I have an etched glass scissors case and are proud to have this small reminder of our family’s early years.
Sadly, Adams Hardware has been closed for the past 15 years, along with many of Shamrocks once thriving businesses. The shelves and storage area still contain unsold merchandise and share the space with my uncle Robert’s vast Coca Cola memorabilia. Everything sits as if frozen in time, preserving memories, family history and collecting dust.
This post was written with love (and a little help from my aunt Gail and uncle David) for Lucas, Leah, my father and my hero, Ruby.
I love reading family stories and this one is one to cherish. Your grand-mother was a fantastic lady!
I can see Lucas in your Dad. I think he has his eyes (look), cheekbones (face shape) and nose. I know your Dad and Mum would be tremendously proud of him. Thank you so much for sharing your family history, Tonya. Sending you lots of love xoxo
Such a lovely story and a piece of family history. The photos are fantastic too! I’m sorry the business had to close, but your memorializing it here means it’d last forever.
Kudos Tonya. David and I love it and will send a link to Craig. I knew Lucas looked like your Dad, but didn’t realize just how much until I saw the picture of Michael and Ruby. Much love,
Such a beautiful history! It brought tears to my eyes (as does the movie Cars). Thank you for sharing.
What a lovely story. Of course sad how time changes things. I went to school with someone from Borger, Texas. I think it was in the panhandle. Very sad about small towns drying up. Our local hardware store was owned by the mayor. It is shutting it’s doors by the end of the year. Can’t compete with the Lowe’s and Walmart that moved in 3 miles away. Love the name Ruby. She was quite the inspiration.
Such a lovely story and it saddens me what has become of Shamrock. Places, like people can have the most amazing stories and this is one of those places.
How awesome that you have all of this history and can document that. I have a sil who’s totally into that but I have hardly any info from my side of the family.
While I am sorry Adams Hardware had to close, I think it’s so wonderful that you documented this and have this history of your family in both words and photographs.
I think it’s great that you wrote this and now have this piece of your family’s history to treasure.
How cool! What a great story and photos. And yes, Lucas totally looks like your dad!
That’s awesome that you have this written down now. (My grandma’s name was Ruby too!)
I’m sorry to hear the store is closed but it sounds like your grandmother was a very strong woman.
So glad that you put this together. It will be wonderful for Lucas to go back and read about his grandpa this way. I wish that I had gotten to see Adams Hardware at it’s best times.
Really beautiful. Thanks for taking me to this place, and this time.
I grew up in Shamrock and would always stop by Adams Hardware to visit when I was back in town. This brings fond memories of many people who were significant in my growing up. Thanks for this post.