A couple of weeks ago, one of Mama Kat’s Writing Workshop prompts was: Share a day in your life represented only in pictures and the time the pictures were taken.
I loved Katie’s (of Sluiter Nation) so much that I wanted to try one of my own.
This was a fun exercise.
Thursday, September 27:
My husband is usually asleep before me, too. This is such a fun idea; it looks like you had a great (and oh-so-busy! day.)
It used to bother me that we didn’t go to sleep at the same time, but now I kind of relish in the quiet.
Loved this glimpse into your life!
Thanks, it was a really fun project.
Cute, loved it!
Thanks, let me know if you do one too. 🙂
What a cool look at your life. Lucky girl!
Is Lucas in preschool all day?
I do have a pretty great life.
Lucas goes to preschool M/W/TH for six hours each day. It’s wonderful to have so much “me time” on those days.
I still haven’t seen the Grey’s premiere!
Oh, it was good. That damn Shonda Rhimes had me tearing up within the first few minutes as usual.
I love this! Might have to do one of my own!
It was a really fun activity. Let me know if you do it too.
By the way, your comment went into my spam folder, which I delete every few days or so I wonder if more of your (and others) comments have ended up there too. I always respond to comments, so I apologize if you haven’t heard from me in the past on a note you left on one of my posts. I’ll be better about going through my spam from now on!
I LOVED this! It’s fun to get a peek into your daily life. It’s like I am spying or something…only, you know…not.
You can come spy on my life anytime!
What a fun activity…. we should all give it a try!
I go to bed before my husband. I close the door and scroll through Instagram or read a book. It’s a few minutes of quiet time just for me.
And stay up until way AFTER my bedtime and do that. I pay for it every single morning. Sigh.
Love this! I may have to try this too.
My son has that same polo shirt. Target, yes? 😉
You should do it! It was fun and yes, a lot of Lucas’ clothes come from Target (or Old Navy). Among other things, we share good taste. 🙂
Fun! I like that it really does take you through a day in your life. I like that picture of Lucas riding his bike.