With Father’s Day just a week ago and mine and Lucas’ birthday this month, my dad has been on my mind a lot lately. There are so many big and little things that remind me of my dad, the time we spent together and what a great role model he was to me.
My dad and I had a very special bond and I was a Daddy’s Girl through and through. I miss our conversations, his genuine thirst for knowledge and his hugs most of all, but here’s what has been rising to the top of my memory bank and making me miss him a little more than usual (in no particular order):
1. Hearing my dad drop the F bomb the first time. It was directed at traffic and made me giggle like crazy.
2. A mortifying incident in which he yelled out the car window to a classmate of mine riding his bike after darting in front of us, “That’s the kind of thing that will get you killed.”. That was 18 years ago and recently my husband yelled the exact same thing as a biker crossed our path. I nearly peed in my pants.
3. My dad loved to dance, especially to 80’s music. Sadly, my dad was a terrible dancer, but you just had to admire his enthusiasm.
4. His roots. My father was born and raised in a very small town in Texas and while he grew to appreciate it, he did everything he could to leave that life far behind him. I wonder if he knew at 10 that someday he would work and live in Africa.
5. His loss. My dad lost his father when he was just six years old, his step-father when he was 21 and his mother at 32.
6. His steady grip and childlike humor as he walked me down the aisle. Twice.
7. Blue. His eyes were kind and the brightest shade of blue.
8. My father lived in Dockers and plaid button-down shirts, in varying degrees of blue, his favorite color. As a family, we lovingly referred to his shirts of choice as “Mike Adams” shirts because you could spot one a mile away.
9. His strong, capable rough hands. He was a nail biter and always wore both his wedding ring and his class ring (seen below).
10. His chicken scratch handwritten lists. He made lists for everything; things to do, movies to see, books he’d read, bills he paid, phone calls to make, etc., etc., etc. My love of lists comes directly from my father.
Linking up with Stasha’s Monday Listicles, a meme right up my alley, because I LOVE lists! Thanks to Kim of The G is Silent for coming up with this week’s topic: celebrate your father with 10 happy memories. I could have gone on and on and on with this list.
Lovely list and handsome Dad! Thanks for sharing your memories!
what a fantastic list. I imagine Father’s Day and birthdays are bittersweet for you and your family.
What a wonderful list; I love the little details you included.
(I also remember the first time I heard my dad drop the f word. He had dropped my mom and brother off at the soccer field and thought I jumped out of the car as well. He swore at another driver a few minutes later; I collapsed in laughter, and he turned a color of red I’ve never seen on him since.)
Love this list and the special memories you shared here. He was a lucky man to have you as a daughter.
I love this list. It made me smile and feel sad at the same time. I also love this photo of your Daddy. xoxo
Loved your beautiful memories of your dad.
You truly have his eyes. happy Birthday again my sweet friend. Your Dad would be so proud of you today! Bet he would have moonwalked and danced the sprinkler at the party 🙂
Oh. Oh my. I wonder if I should do this…make a list of my dad because I forget how much I miss him until I read a post like this.
Tonya you and I have so much in common, it’s no wonder that my heart finds so much comfort in yours.
Your dad sounds like he was an amazing fella…and my hope is always that our dads have met in the hereafter and look down at both of us, our lives, our sons, even our tears for them and smile…wrapping their love from far away around us.
Love u
What an amazing man! It sounds like he touched your life in so many ways.
Just in that photo alone, you can see that your dad’s eyes were killer! He does sound like a pretty amazing guy.
great list! My sister was the first one to hear my dad drop the F bomb, she loves to remind him of that too!
You have such wonderful memories of your parents. I hope that is something that you never lose.
When I read the last one about the lists I knew instantly that you got that from him.
So funny to read a list of your dad. Sounds like your list making skills came from him. Great pic of him on your wedding day!
Oh I think I love your dad. Esp. how he dropped the F-bomb in traffic – what a wonderful and quirky detail for you to remember. (-:
holy cats! you look JUST like your dad! Good lookin’ fella, that guy.
and it’s posts like these that make me really look at my parents each time I see them. I put everything about them deep in my memory. for later…when I will really need it.
thanks, you.