5 Things You Don’t Know About Me:
1. I’m always on time, sometimes even early.
2. I’m as loyal as a dog. Unless you cross me or enjoy creating drama for the sake of drama, I’ll be yours til the end.
3. Name an artist and I can [probably] sing one of their songs. This is a great party trick.
4. I am FIERCELY competitive. Trust me, you want to be on my team when playing Scene It, Trivial Pursuit or Taboo.
5. When watching movies at home, I use subtitles because I don’t want to miss a word.
5 Things I’m Knowledgeable About:
1. Acting like I know what I’m doing.
2. Moving. I’ve moved 14 times since 1991 so I consider myself a pro.
3. Locating a book at the bookstore or library without any assistance.
4. I am uber organized, as in file folders with labels-containers of all shapes and sizes-everything has it’s place kind of way.
5. I’m a really good marketer. Ever since I was 14 I wanted to work in advertising and for 10 years I did before becoming a mother and now I help a few people market their small businesses and help them break into social media and I still love it!
5 Things I Know Nothing About:
1. Applying eye make-up.
2. Changing a tire.
3. Lighting a fire.
4. Cooking. Seriously, I burn rice.
5. Driving a manual transmission vehicle.
5 Things I Believe:
1. I believe in the power of positive thinking, a hug, hot shower, long walk, one-on-one time with someone you love, a good cry, a glass of wine and children’s laughter.
2. I believe everything happens for a reason and while I may not always know what it is, I’m determined to learn from it…. eventually.
3. I believe that motherhood is the toughest job on the planet and something I was meant to do.
4. I believe that life is short and there is absolutely no use walking around pissed off at the world.
5. I believe in Santa Claus.
This post was written for Mama Kat’s Writer’s Workshop, Prompt 2.) Five Things. List 5 things we don’t know about you, 5 things you’re knowledgeable about, 5 things you know nothing about, and 5 things you believe. (inspired by LouLouβs Views)
Loyal as a dog. Ditto.
I’m loyal to a fault most often and have found it very difficult to recognize that I can’t be taken advantage of and that I must stand up for myself. I let far too many people take advantage of me simply because I’m loyal…too frequently where they’re not!
Yes, I hear ya… The older I get though, the better I can sport what being taken advantage of feels like. Hope you can too!
Rice is easier to burn than you think…either that or I am also a bad cook which I listed as one of my strengths…LOL!
I also believe in the big fat guy! π
My husband sure gave me a hard time about it. I’m usually the sous chef in our house, meaning I go to the super market, set the table and clean up.
Santa rocks!
You are good people. If you teach me a thing or two about marketing, I’ll teach you how to cook rice. Deal? π
Careful what you ask for…. I am TERRIBLE in the kitchen. Just ask my husband.
Great prompt!
I’m always on time too-actually, I’m always early. When I get somewhere on time, I feel like I’m late. Oh, and I’m with you on the competitive thing too. Great list!
Thanks very much! A lot of my mommy friends like to blame their kids for being late and that just does not fly with me. My time is valuable and should be treated as such.
I want to test that song trick. I think it would be fun.
It’s super fun!! Of course, all sorts of useful information that I actually need is gone from my mind because it is so cluttered with lyrics.
I’m ALWAYS on time, or should I say always early! It pisses my hubby off as I like getting to appointments, airports or anywhere 30 minutes EARLY! It’s in my genes : )
I’m not an ΓΌber organised type of person. I don’t mind cleaning the house etc, but I hate organising closets, drawers, paper work etc! Maybe if I had more room, I’d be better at it! You need to give me tips!
I’m as loyal as a dog, but if I get cheated on or if somebody takes advantage of my loyalty/kindness, I have difficulties forgiving. I need to work on that!
I’m working on positive thinking at the moment… It would make things easier!
I don’t get on with people who create drama either. There’s enough real drama without having to make things look worst then they really are!
This is a great list Tonya. I wish I come with you to a bookshop! I would save loads of time, and know I would come out of it with some great books to read! I miss reading books in English!
Maybe you could have added that you have a good sense of humour! You’re so good at making people laugh!
I believe in Santa too!
Miss you, friend XOXO
That it, you need to pack up and move in next door to me. PLEASE!!!
I’m always punctual too – usually early. A friend said to me yesterday that she could set her clock by me, haha!!
I think I’m a darn good marketer too – though those skills haven’t been put to use much of late.
All the 5 things you don’t know, I’m the same with all of them, except for cooking π
Such a fun prompt!
I loved coming up with this list. I heart Mama Kat.
I really need to take a cooking class. Sigh…
Hi “ME” , I love learning all about you…and of course I adore that you know so much and do so much and that you believe in Santa…because it shows me exactly how absolutely fantastic and magic you are!!!!! Xoxo
Thank you, friend. I had fun with this prompt. xoxo
I like being on time too.. I would like to learn to be a better marketer so that I’ll be able to earn online. I also wish I have your organisation skills.
I don’t earn anything anymore for my marketing advice, but I love offering it. As far as organization, it’s all about having the space in which to do it and a label maker. π
I once paid over $4 just for the honor of taking a hot shower in a train station in Paris.
I totally believe in a hot shower.
I would do that! Without a bat of an eye.
Ugh. I wish I knew ANYTHING about marketing. I can’t seem to get my small business going. Ah well. I’m creative as all get out, but I can’t pitch anything to save my life.
wait…is burning rice supposed to be hard? Because I do that all the time!
I really enjoyed your post!I’m visiting from MamaKat’s. I’d love a visit back!
I am a DISASTER in the kitchen. If it weren’t for my husband, I’d be living on PB&J’s and cereal.
Thanks for visiting! I had a lot of fun coming up with this list. Off to read yours!
I’ll teach you how to cook if you help me with marketing!
Deal! When do we start?
My parents made me learn to drive a stick before they would let me get my license. I was totally annoyed by it at the time, but am so happy they did it now. I wish I could do a better job at the whole thinking positive thing. I just have a hard time with disappointment so I hate getting my hopes up with positive thinking only to have them dashed. I know; totally ridiculous.
My husband sells vintage cars and occasionally will bring home something fun and rare and I can never drive them. It’s high time I learned. I’m putting it on my list of New Year’s resolutions. Again.
As far as positive thinking… it’s hard, but hope is all we’ve got, right?
Laughing b/c your whole first list? Is me! All five. And then we get to organization. Um…HELP. ME.
You and I would get along very well then.
As long as we were on the same team. π
It was such fun to read your list! I can’t light a fire either. I hated lighting the burner in chemistry glass too.
Oh, I always let my chem partner do that.
Loved these and I actually did learn a couple things about you from it.
I’m crazy competitive too, I love playing games but I get kind of crazy with my teammates to make sure we win…but my team always wins! At a price my husband likes to say…but the end result is there..ha!
I wanted to be your friend after reading the first group of five and it just kept going but you totally nailed with believing in Santa Claus!
This was an amazing prompt and you did an amazing job with it.
I’ll teach you about make up and fire starting if you teach me about marketing.
I had to check the “blog author” before going on after reading your “5 Things I’m Knowledgeable About.” It’s like you’re my OCD twin. I turn my nose up at people who can’t navigate a library. I am a book SNOB. I’m horrible about it! My Husband refuses to go with me (and if he does, he separates from me the minute we arrive.)
What a great list … and yes, I nodded along with all of your words!
Love this glimpse of you. I believe in Santa too. π