A quiet Sunday, alone in the house, breakfast dishes had been cleared and beds made. I was caught up on my favorite television shows, had no phone calls to return or e-mails that needed my immediate attention. I had worked out and showered. I had zero obligations for three hours.
Three blissful hours of free time in which I wanted to nothing but write.
Normally I could pound out at least one post and maybe even a second in three hours.
Not today.
Today, nothing was coming to me.
My words were stalled.
I have never experienced writer’s block before, but know that it is a real condition.
Writer’s block is a condition in which an author loses the ability to produce new work. The condition varies widely in intensity. It can be trivial, a temporary difficulty in dealing with the task at hand. At the other extreme, some “blocked” writers have been unable to work for years on end, and some have even abandoned their careers. It can manifest as the affected writer viewing their work as inferior or unsuitable, when in fact it could be the opposite. – Wikipedia
I turned to my drafts.
Believe it or not, I have 73 drafts; some comprised of single sentences or thoughts that need flushing out. Some, close to completion, requiring one last read though and a tweak here and there. Many, several paragraphs long, but make no sense to anyone but me and therefore need a lot of work and reorganization. None of them are ready to be shared.
As I perused through my drafts folder, the topics seemed drab and uninteresting. I deleted many. I wanted to write something fresh. I wanted to reach deep within myself and share something personal and heartfelt, something new. But, I couldn’t find the words.
Perhaps I didn’t reach deep enough. Or maybe I have so much going on right now in my head and heart that I can’t find the right words.
For me, writing can’t and shouldn’t be forced, it has to be organic. It has to flow and feel right and come from the heart.
I love writing and it has proven to be very therapeutic for me so I’m hoping I can find the words again soon.
Right there with ya, sister. This has been plaguing me for weeks now. WEEKS. I have no advice for you at all except to tell you that you’re not alone!!!
Thank you, I really appreciate that. Here’s hoping we both find the inspiration we need.
Sharing this is heartfelt. We will be here when the words come back to you. I don’t think I have had 73 ideas in my head this whole year let alone drafts so you are miles ahead of me!
I have a ton of ideas, just can’t get them out on paper… 73 drafts is ridiculous.
Ha, I’ve had writers block the past few months and that’s why I haven’t been writing at all. Well, that and just plain ole lack of time. I do miss it though and perhaps i’ll find sometime soon to get back into it. I hope you do too. : )
Time is everything… plus, as you know I have a lot more on my mind than pumping out a post.
I’m sure inspiration will strike you very soon! Hang on in there.
Thanks! It’s not for a lack of ideas, I just need to feel it from deep within. I appreciated your post on blogging burn out. That really helped me put things into perspective.
Sometimes the best thing you can do is just write. Even when it’s just about getting words on the page. It helps. I hope you find your words soon.
Tonya, I love that you wrote this.
Honest and transparent and do I daresay inspired?
Your story is right there, ready to be told- Go. For. It.
And I’ll so be here to read it!
Thanks! I appreciate that you *got it*. xoxo
Completely identify with this Tonya. I can only write when I have something on my mind to write about and sometimes, especially in difficult times there are things I need to write through in order to get passed the writers block.
It’s a tough month/week all around. Thank you for understanding where I’m coming from.
Been there! The ideas come and go but then you sit to type and nothing happens. I can’t just throw something out there either. Just keep on keepin on and it will happen! We will be here when it does!
I feel this way frequently. If I force my writing it turns out terrible so I just wait until the inspiration strikes again.
A real writer writes and doesn’t whine
1. She did write.
2. She didn’t whine.
3. That isn’t even true. Every “real” writer struggles with this at some point.
Tonya, Tonya…are you in my head? You and I are so much alike in this particular sense. If I don’t feel it, there are no words. None. Which is why I have a hard time writing sponsored posts or writing for other venues that aren’t MY post.
I am working on it, but my blog is my heart. As is yours. And I hope you find more words again soon.
I have literally had a whole week to ten days between posts lately. I hope to find my words soon too.
Krista is the only one with sound advice here. You don’t need sympathy. You need effort. Write!
Oh good lord. Who the hell is this guy? (Okay, leaving it alone now. Don’t need to start something on your blog…)
I have felt like that too. I really do think all “real” writers do at some point.
In my experience, if you’re stuck like that it probably means there’s something you need to write about but aren’t ready yet. It’s okay… it will come.
You’ll find them 🙂 I realize that’s easy for me to say, but I know you will. They’re in there, brewing and percolating, and when they’re ready (or you are) they’ll come.
And you know what? Even writing about your troubles writing is writing. So that’s something. (Even if it’s the most convoluted sentence in all of the comments you’ve received.)
I feel this way often and if I’m stuck, I have to leave it alone. I can’t write something that’s forced. It has to flow easily otherwise I trash it. It will come to you, don’t worry. And we’ll be here to listen. 🙂
I feel this way every once in awhile. It’s normal for those of us who write frequently. And also for those of us who write frequently and put our writing out for the world to read. You have a wonderful way with words and you will find them again.
Writing *can* be forced, but it definitely shouldn’t be. That’s why I probably won’t have a post tomorrow, despite Wednesdays being my high traffic days. I have a post in my head but I just can’t seem to find the words. So rather than force it, I have to remind myself that it’ll keep until I’m able to find the words, and will be all the better as a result.
I’m sure you will find the words eventually. Go on a small trip or just get out of the house and something will come to you.
Been there! Take some time for yourself and when things are ready your juices will flow.
I think sometimes we have LOTS to say, too many ideas and words floating around us and we can’t articulate them. That is when I just let my mind get quiet or take a break and wait for those words to come. When the words, ideas etc are all bouncing around wanting to come out and you can’t get them to paper, just be still…for a day,an afternoon, an hour and tell them to stand in line……you’re waiting for them.
So well put! This month up until Thursday I have suffered an extreme case of the block & just kept faith that the flow would come back to me & it did, but it was very frustrating to endure. I really enjoyed this post & the comments… both made me feel like I wasn’t so alone~
Writer’s block is the absolute worst, especially when I NEVER have a lack of ideas. I just can’t always find the words. Or, I’m just not ready to share them yet.