With his fingers firmly pressed into the back of my arm, Todd urged me to move toward the exit. “Say goodbye and let’s go,” he said forcefully.
He was right.
“Bye, Lucas. Mommy loves you and I’ll be back to get you very soon.”
“Bye, Mommy,” was all I got in return as he scurried around the playground.
Don’t linger, I kept repeating in my head all morning. Don’t make it hard on him. Wait until you get back to the car to cry.
And cry I did.
For him.
For us.
But mostly, for me.
My little boy is in school!
I kept my phone close to me on vibrate and with the ringer turned up to the maximum volume for the three hours we were apart, fully expecting a call from the school begging me to come pick up my son because he missed me so much.
Alas, the phone didn’t ring.
Not once.
When I arrived 15 minutes before I was due, I saw my little boy sitting contently in the lap of the teacher’s aid. Feelings of guilt, relief, surprise and happiness washed over me.
He was fine.
He did it!
We both did.
We made through Day 1.
As soon as he saw me, his eyes lit up like a Christmas tree and he rushed over to me, careful not to step on any of the napping bodies that covered the floor. And then all I felt was grateful. Grateful that I was able to bring him home and not have to keep him there the rest of the day like so many other working mothers have to. What a sight for sore eyes.
I know I kissed and hugged him a little more than usual that day, so proud of him. So full of love.
I missed Day 2 because I was at BlogHer, but I heard Lucas did equally as well.
This week has been a bit harder and there have been some tears, requests for Mommy and his lovey, which his teacher says is normal for week 2. Today he asked if he could take his lovey tomorrow “…to have in his cubby”, just in case. I think that can be arranged.
We are all getting used to a new schedule, time apart and having a student in the house. One thing I won’t have any trouble getting used to are the art projects my little buddy hands me with so much pride in his eyes.
Ah, be still my heart:
Well now you’ve gone and done it…I’m all choked up. I homeschool my Aumies, so I haven’t had this first day of school experience, but I apply the same feelings you describe so well to other moments of our lives.
I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you cry. Especially since I’ve done enough of that for both of us recently.
Well now I’m all teary. That was so beautiful. It sure does hurt a mommy’s heart when they start school.
Those little art projects they do? So stinking cute!
It’s been an emotional few days for sure.
The art work TOTALLY makes up for it. Thank goodness.
It’s so true that the second week is always a bit harder. What a sweet post!
Thank you.
Here’s hoping it gets easier and easier. On both of us.
Such a big milestone! Glad he is doing well.
You and me both!
While I live for the milestones, I can’t help but wish they weren’t so difficult sometimes. Sigh.
Aw! Those art projects are the best!
My son started preschool last year, and like you, I lingered on his first day thinking he was going to cry. He didn’t. My tears started rolling, but I stopped.
Aw, that’s so cool. What an exciting new chapter for you guys. Get a bin – a very large bin. You will soon have more artwork than you will know what to do with 🙂
There are still days my 8 year-old doesn’t want to go to school. He clings to me and says he just wants to stay home with mommy. It is a reminder that we’re always attached to them even if we’re physically untethered. 🙂
The first days of school don’t get any easier. Even when they (like mine) are starting high school, you just feel the time slipping away. Enjoy every second.
Love all the projects! Of course now I have to find somewhere to put them 😛
I am so glad you both survived the first day 🙂
You are going to have more fridge art than you know what to do with in 2 weeks. I waited by the phone on my son’s first day too, but only because I thought they would kick him out.
Aw! It is such a change. So exciting!
Yay for him & for you! Abbey goes to preschool in a month, and I’m already a mess 🙁
(Also, she always brought her lovey in her dance bag, just in case.)
Oh this tugs at my heart. I have to do this in a few weeks. I’m coming to you for emotional support. Wish we could meet for a coffee!
i know the feeling. my baby has been in school since i went back to work when he was six month. at almost two it’s still so hard for me to drop him off. the way his eyes light up when he sees me makes me feel better – even if just a little.
I love it! Such a great project. Connor started doing those at camp this summer and I totally cherish them.
He starts school in a month and I really don’t know what to expect. He did 2 week-long camps this summer (half days) and even that felt weird. I’m not sure I’m ready for him to be in school.
I found your blog through http://mommyofamonster.com/. I also have a two year old and I was very nervous when he started preschool, but it went very smooth thankfully. Getting fridge art is great isn’t it?!?!
Thanks for coming by! I love Natalie. And I’m LOVING all the new artwork in my house. 🙂
So sweet! Matty’s beginning preschool experience was the same for me. I died a little inside (but admit I was happy for the brief breaks two times a week, three hours at a time).
He’s going full time this fall and I’m putting Moll, who will turn three in a few weeks, in full time, too. I’m gonna need someone to hold me. Six hours a day is a loonngggg time. I know it’s best for them, but…sigh.
And the artwork? It’s the best.
Sniff. That brought tears to my eyes because I’ll be doing it with Ethan soon 🙂
Love his artwork!
Where is that picture? I didn’t see it at your house. Bet you wish your fridge was magnetic now more then ever, huh? : ) Lucas is a strong little guy and he is going to keep getting better and better and saying goodbye and enjoying school. He needs to get comfortable with the staff there and make friends in his program. Wouldn’t it be funny to sit and watch him interact with the other kids without him knowing we are there? : ) Bet he is hilarious!
My sweet little baby girl started kindergarten this week. Day two has been particularly hard. Why do they have to go every day? I never realized how much I would miss her. Or look forward to 3pm when I pick her up.