In less than two weeks Lucas will be attending preschool. It’s crazy, I know! How did he get to be such a big boy? I feel like we just brought him home from the hospital, swaddled him and were protecting his head, but like it or not, here we are getting ready for his first day of school.
I am really excited for all the new things Lucas is going experience and learn, expert direction he is going to receive, friends he’s going to make and fun he is going to have. I loved school and I hope he does to!
Child’s Full Name
Parent’s Names
I just read, filled in the blanks and signed more than a dozen pieces of paper with my son’s new school’s insignia prominently placed at the top of each page.
Physician’s Name
Known Allergies
Diet Pattern
While easy to answer these questions about my son, his habits and his health, each one made me a little sadder than the last. He’s only two.
In Case of an Emergency Contact
Nap Schedule
Parent’s Evaluation of Child’s Personality
So many signatures.
I feel like it’s time, I agreed it was time, but now that we are just days away, I’m second guessing myself. Are we doing the right thing by sending Lucas to preschool?
Field Trip Permission Slip
Children’s Disaster/Earthquake Kit
Permission to Photograph
Parent Handbook
For so long, it’s been me and Lucas, Monday through Saturday, 8 – 10 hours a day. Day in and day out.
Just us.
I know I’m only giving him up nine hours a week, but it feels like so much more than that. This feels like it’s just the beginning of him being pulled away from me…
…and I’m going to miss him.
Enjoy those nine hours a week. You deserve a break.
When my oldest went to school for the first time I was a blubbering mess. I know when my little ones it will be the same thing. Sigh. Being a mom is hard!
I was so looking forward to putting the girls in pre school, but just like you, a few days before the "Big" day, I too was having second thoughts. It's completely normal! I was very tough for me the first few days, but then, when you see that your child is happy to go and meet new friends and that you have a little more time for yourself, it makes everyone happy, believe me. I'm sure Lucas will love his school. Please don't feel guilty, my friend. Thinking of you xoxo
You will come to enjoy the time just for yourself, and you will love the little person he is becoming even more and you will be amazed at the things he learns! But no matter what, he will always be your baby!
It is just the beginning. It's so happy and sad. My little girl will be in fifth grade this year. Her last year of elementary. It's hard when they need you less and less, but it's also super exciting.
Now what are you going to do with the time that Lucas is in school?
I am not around for these things since I "go to school" too. I sort of hate that I will always be gone to work before he goes to "first days of school" and stuff. Daddy (or daycare) will be the ones to get him through those milestones.
I hate that.
Yay, this is a big moment for you both!! When my oldest started preschool last year, I was a wreck missing her for the first month. She was the one all smiles and running off to play every MWF at preschool, while my heart was aching for her the entire four hours she was at school. Then when I realized how happy she was, and how much I got done while she was at school, my heart sort of settled down. I still miss her, but we both enjoy the time despite being apart. Good Luck!!
I know this feeling too. My little guy is starting preschool this fall, and I'm both dreading it and looking forward to it. Good luck to you guys!