Each Monday, Natalie at Mommy of a Monster hosts a feature called Monster Mommy Moments, where she
pays invites friends to bare their soul and share their awful mom fails!
Yes, contrary to popular belief, moms occasionally suck.
Today, that’s where you’ll find me…. Please stop by, say hello and be kind; my Monster Mommy Moments list is long.
Fun! Heading off to read…
I read your Mommy Moments post. Thanks for sharing. I think we've all been there but not everyone is honest and open enough to put them out there on the internet.
Thank you for your honesty and openness, Tonya – your post is exactly what MMM is all about!
I commented there but I'll say it again: Thank you. Really. I needed to read that.
Loved that piece. See my big comment over there on Natalie's blog. : )