Dear Lucas,
It’s hard to imagine you as a teenager when you are currently in diapers, learning your colors, letters and numbers, trying to ween off the bottle, temper your temper tantrums and are about to begin potty training (God help me!).
But, in the blink of an eye, you’ll be there: adolescence. I am so excited for you and all the wonderful things you are about to experience.
You are a delightful toddler and bring so much joy my life. Although we have had our struggles, our bond is strong in large part, I’d like to think, because I let you be your own person. It took a while, but I soon realized that you needed your independence in order to thrive. You have had a strong disposition and character from the moment you were born and both have earned my respect. I hope we always have this comfortable unspoken understanding and that we remain close.
I also hope that you are as sweet today as you were when you were small; that you smile and greet strangers, are polite, kind and considerate and that you never lose your sense of curiosity.
You are in such an amazing time of your life; not quite an adult and no longer a child. You are growing physically and emotionally, so be patient with yourself because being a teenager can be confusing, frustrating and stressful, but also a whole lot of fun! In other words, don’t be afraid to get into trouble every now and then, just no collect calls from jail, please.
No matter what you are going through, your dad and I will always be here to answer any questions you may have and we will do it openly and honestly, with only your best interests at heart. Come to us with anything, day or night. Just know that sometimes the advice we offer, you won’t want to hear. Try to trust us, we were teenagers once too.
The friends you make and the experiences you are having right now will shape your future. Think twice about the decisions you are faced with, seek advice when needed and along the way, explore, enjoy and endure. It goes by so fast.
Please remember how important family is and that we want to be there for all your highs and lows. For as long as I live, or as long as you’ll let me, I will support you, clothe you, feed you and be your biggest cheerleader, no matter what you do.
I love you more than words can express. Today and always.
This post is for Mama Kat’s Writer’s Workshop: Prompt 4.) A letter to your future teen.
Aaaw, sweet! Truer words were never spoken.
Awww. You were nicer than I was.
What a sweet letter. He is going to enjoy reading it when he's older. Maybe not a teenager, because they don't appreciate anything, but maybe when he has his own kids!
lovely letter. I hope he gets to actually read it someday 🙂
LOL, give him another year and you will think he is ALREADY a teen! Or maybe this only happens with girls…my 4.5yo is SUCH a drama queen, you'd think she was actually 15 or something
Visiting from Mama Kat's
Such a sweet letter! I'm sure he will love reading this someday!
That was very sweet. It is hard to imagine them so old when they are still so little! They grow up so fast!
very sweet! my favorite part: I also hope that you are as sweet today as you were when you were small; that you smile and greet strangers, are polite, kind and considerate and that you never lose your sense of curiosity.
i feel the same way about my little girl!
Thank you for articulating the same hopes I have for both Olivia and Christian. And forgive me if bits of this get plagiarized in about 11 years or so 🙂 Well done lady!
This was so beautiful and so nice. I don't think that my letter would be as nice to my son or my daughter! It would be more like Son- I hope you grow some balls and Daughter-I hope that you are less of a Diva!
Thanks for stopping by my site 🙂 I love this letter…so true! Of course, by the time they read our letters, they wont' want to hear what we have to say. Glad I found your blog!
Did you say he's potty training? is he even two yet? Wow!
I'm impressed!
It was a very sweet letter.
Oh, Tonya….so sweet! And I'm picturing it backwards, remembering the little boy my teen once was.
This is perfect and I always love your honesty and openess.
He's potty training? Isn't he younger than my kid? I'm impressed!
What a wonderful letter! I cannot wait till you give this to him when he finally is a teenager. We have so much to look forward to. : )
What a beautiful letter. I try to imagine my son as a teenager and have such a tough time, but I love all the qualities you've expressed. What a great thing to hope for your child.
“What? Are you….” Belum sempat Kin Ho habis bercakap, gadis itu sudahpun meluru ke dapur. Kin Ho tertawa kecil lalu kembali ke tempat duduknya. Sepanjang tempoh enam bulan ini, dia cuba untuk merapatkan diri dengan Julan. Tidak seperti dulu, kini mereka semakin selesa untuk berbual-bual maupun bergurau-senda dengan satu sama lain. Sejak perbualannya dengan ayahnya tempoh hari, Kin Ho sudah bulat hati untuk mengikut saja kehendak orang tua itu. Itu lebih elok daripada langsung tidak mendapat apa-apa. Berbanding perniagaan keluarganya yang lain, ternyata syarikat pembalakan dan kilang perabot inilah yang paling banyak membawa keuntungan. Dan soal pasangan hidup, dia belum bersedia lagi untuk itu. Tapi kalau sudah terdesak, lainlah ceritanya.
“ Am I the first one? Maya orang pertama ke yang Kal nak bawak dalam airbus lawa ni?!” matanya sudah terbeliak dek rasa teruja yang amat.
Keesokkan harinya aku berpakat dengan kawan – kawan aku. Kitorang pakat nak pergi pasar malam. Waa, bestnya. Aku tak kira hari ni aku nak juga makan ABC. Aku nekad. Sebelum pergi tadi, aku daH check beberapa kali purse aku. Mana la tau kejadian tertinggal purse berulang kembali.
“Wa’alaikumsalam. Nabila, kau ok?” Zarif bersuara.
“Ada aku kisah kau anak siapa? Weh, kalau kau nak tau, hah, aku ni anak PM, yang kau patut buat contoh, tau! Tak guna kuasa bapak untuk buat perangai tak senonoh macam kau ni! Malah sanggup berusaha sendiri. Taklah macam kau yang kerjanya menghabiskan harta mak bapak aje!” Ujarnya.
Ameer menggerutu tidak puas hati. Entah apa dalam fikiran Hakimi yang dia tidak dapat dibacanya dengan jelas. Hakimi tidak pernah berubah. Sikapnya selalu buat Ameer tertanya-tanya sehingga akhirnya nanti baru Ameer akan sedar niat sebenar Hakimi. Itupun setelah berulang kali Ameer meneliti makna setiap bicara Hakimi.Novel : Ai Bukan Cinta 7