As I was checking out at the grocery store recently, I thought… clearly I only had one thing on my mind during this visit: Lucas!Here’s what I came home with: yogurt, a gallon of milk, string cheese, apple juice, bubbles, wipes, chocolate chip granola bars, wipes, goldfish crackers, Elmo crackers, blueberry waffles, grape jam, peanut butter and Diet Coke (okay, that’s for me!).
Now, what on earth are his dad and I going to eat this week?
This post is for Wordless Wednesdays and if you want to link up or see some really beautiful photographs, visit Alicia at A Beautiful Mess. This week, she shares her personal favs.
: ) Haha Let's see, of all that stuff, I eat the following pretty often: blueberry waffles, milk, string cheese, crackers, peanut butter and grape jam. That's quite a lot actually, right?! Haha
So funny and so true. Since having J I can never manage to get a weeks groceries in one trip. Drives me crazy.
Oh and I love that I can see Lucas in the background of this pic. He is so stinking cute!
lol. You are definitely a mom. No doubt about it. Even when I go to the store for me I end up with things for the kiddos. This week was a snow fort building set for little man and a new curling iron and rain boots for pokey. When does it end??
I do that every darn time I grocery shop!
The kids could eat for weeks but Craig and stand in front of the refrigerator, opening and closing it, hoping that food will magically appear!
Gotta have that diet coke. I'm jealous of Lucas' Elmo crackers and blueberry waffles. What a lucky boy.
It's pretty funny when the groceries being bought are so obviously for a certain person or purpose!