I’m a compulsive hand washer, so I’ve always had very dry hands.
My husband calls them ‘catcher’s mitts’.
When I was in junior high and bit my nails to the quick, I proclaimed to my mother that I would never hold a boy’s hand because mine were so ugly and gross. She made me write that down on a piece of paper and give it to her. As far as I know, she carried that note in her wallet for years until her purse was stolen. 🙁
After I had Lucas, my hands became drier. If that is even possible. But, let’s face it, your body is NEVER the same after giving birth. It takes forever to fit back into your pre-pregnancy clothes and the hair loss and gain in the six months following delivery is, in a word: frightening.
In my case it seems pregnancy wreaked havoc on my skin too.
I had the worst adult acne for months and I still can’t wear my wedding rings with any regularity without this happening: My ring finger becomes a red, swollen, dry, cracked, itchy mess!
I then have to stop wearing my rings for a few days, let it heal and start all over again.
I have tried 1900 different types of lotions and NOTHING seems to help. Here are eight products currently in the rotation:Any suggestions?
Maybe a little sympathy?
My husband is getting a perturbed. Not because he wants to hold my hand, but because he’d like me to wear my wedding rings.
You're a talented writer Tonya!
Sorry to hear about your hands – I can claim the same frustration – yet on a different "limb" – my heels! I see in your pic above that Vaseline is included — do you "gob" your fingers with it at night and cover with a glove or sock?…just a suggestion…..have you checked if your allergic to some soap – double-check on what kind of soap you're using and if there's a very mild liquid soap you can use…..hope the ring gets worn more often! 😉 Happy new year!!
yeah that looks like an allergic reaction to stuff trapped under the ring. Check with your doctor about possibly getting a cream to use to heal it up. My son's hand does the same thing and my doctor told him it was a strep infection that was showing itself on the skin.. an antibiotic and a cream helped immensely
I see Eucerin there and I know that's really good stuff so I'm offering sympathy. 🙁
Yikes! I didn't know it was that bad. That's awful T! Hmm, guess this is one more thing I have to look forward to after having children and getting married, huh? I would say maybe getting a special and serious prescription for your hand might be needed now..right?
I second what Nat says.. check the type of soap you're using to wash your hands. Maybe it's too harsh.
Drew has eczema & has to use Cetaphil. It's the only soap & lotion that works on him. Even for his face.
Try Sarna lotion. You can get it at Walgreens. It fixes everything. i swear to God. heard about it from a preschool teacher friend of mine whose dad was a physician. I now swear by the stuff. It rocks.
I'm sending my sympathy, because I'm not really sure what could help. Have you tried talking to your doctor? Maybe they might have a suggestion. My husband used to get preturbed at me for not wearing my engagment ring, the entire first year we were engaged, I wore my ring 100-150 the total year. I never used to wear jewelery, so it took some getting used to.
I have no advice, but wanted to ask how you felt about the KP Duty? I've debated buying it for YEARS but can't stomach the idea of spending $35 lotion that is probably a scam. So, is it a scam? LOL
Have you ever tried Avon's Silicon Glove? That lotion rocks. I keep it right by the kitchen sink and put it on all the time. It even stays on through hand washings!
Wow, that's really bad! I've never seen anything quite like that; I'm not sure what to even suggest. Good luck, Tonya!
My ring does the same thing to my finger! It got so bad about 5 years ago (after my son was born) I saw a doctor. Doctor said the moisure is getting stuck under my ring band. I too had to stop wearing my wedding ring. My husband bought me a really thin band to wear after I finally got my finger to heal. It's been about 6 months since I've had cracking skin and I've been wearing my original wedding ring for a few months now.
*not anonymous just having hard time logging in…Jules 🙂
I have the same problem, but mine is my entire finger. I recently bought a platinum coated ring, and I hope that helps. I bought the neosporin eczema cream at target, and that helps the most. I have been leavig my ring off at night as well. My band is very thin, and I feel so sad. This started after my daughter was born. I had a cyst on that finger before I got pregnant too! Im not sure if the two are related, but I know an allergic reaction to the fillers they use on gold rings can cause both symtoms.