- No matter how many solo flights you take with your child, you are amazed at what a great little traveler he is. I think the new toy, book and endless snacks help a lot! Oh, and the fact that it’s only an hour flight to Grandma’s.
- Playing Santa is really fun and Lucas’ face on Christmas morning was priceless.
- You don’t care if you give your child your cold, you will not, under any circumstances stop hugging and kissing him.
- Seeing your son run across the backyard with his face lifted to the sky makes you realize how much you, too have missed the sun.
- You are thrilled beyond belief when your child takes to a new babysitter.
- It’s December 29 and you’re still watching the Elmo holiday special because you don’t have the heart to delete it from TiVo.
- You think to yourself every day, I could not love this child more and then do.
Kimber Leszczuk. says
This made me smile
Natalie says
So sweet…especially the last one. The second to last one is my own personal living hell right now 😉
Hutch says
There's many posts that make me realize I'm not ready for mom-hood just yet. This one does quite the opposite 🙂
anuncommonfamily.com says
Completely agree! And *amen* to the new babysitter!
Sherri says
My absolute favorite one?
"You think to yourself every day, I could not love this child more and then do."
I couldn't agree more. Hugs and a Happy New Year to you and your family!
Renee says
"face lifted to the sky"
The things that children remind us to celebrate.
gingerbreadmama says
Good list!
Leah says
Oh Elmo….: ) haha Lucas's face on Christmas morning really was the best!