Here goes nothing… a list of all (some) of my weird, embarrassing, illegal and shameful activities. I am sure there are more where these came from, but let’s just start here.
Please don’t judge.
- I steal magazines from my doctor’s office.
- I let the gas in my car get dangerously low before I fuel up. We’re talking single digits.
- I have had the same three Netflix movies for four months. What a waste of $68!
- I color my hair and only wash it every three days.
- I screen my phone calls.
- I make our bed within minutes of getting up in the morning.
- I miss working.
- I want to rip a person’s arm off if they take food from my plate.
- I listen to audio books when I walk.
- I cheat at Scrabble, but rarely win.
- I let Lucas watch too much TV.
- I watch too much TV.
- I record Oprah every day and I’ll cry when this season is over.
- I have never read one single Harry Potter book, nor have I seen any of the movies.
- I don’t like to eat leftovers.
- I think there should be a ban on onions. I love the way they taste, but can’t stand the way they make my house smell.
- I can’t get one hand wet without getting the other one wet too.
- I can rarely listen to a song without singing along.
- I can’t stand people that can’t show up on time.
- I stole some erasers and gum from a convenience store when I was in the fifth grade and gold charms with my BFF Sophie when we were in junior high.
- I use subtitles when I watch movies at home.
- I drive over the speed limit and have been know to tail gate.
- I’d rather send an e-mail than pick up the phone.
- I once “borrowed” a scarf from a friend that I never returned.
- I don’t like fish.
- I still have thank you cards to send for gifts we received when Lucas was born.
- I recently bought a Justin Beiber song on iTunes, of course, if you got your hands on my iPod, you’d think I was schizophrenic.
- I floss my teeth (when I floss) before I brush them.
So, there you have it. Well, some of it. What dirty little secrets are your hiding?
This post is forMama Kat’s Writer’s Workshop– Prompt #2: What are your confessions? (inspired by Usher)
haha.. I have to say that there are plenty of these where I can relate, especially the washing the hair one. I do good to wash mine twice a week. 😀
Lots of Smiles!
i LOVE your list! particularly, stealing magazines from doctor's offices (good idea!) and keeping the netflix movie. i do the same thing. i had one movie for three months and finally returned without even watching it! talk about a waste! and i'm sure you've been told before, but you are missing out on harry potter!
Does Sophie know about her missing charms? How funny! Enjoyed your list.
Stopping by from Mama Kat's.
Many of those are also my dirty little secret. I mean, TV and I have a secret love affair. Well, secret to anyone who has never been in my house.
What you feel about onions? I feel about bacon. I *love* bacon. I could live on bacon. But I HATE the way my house smells after I cook bacon. And it lingers. For days. Even with windows open, grease disposed of, etc.
Sadly, you would not like me. I am habitually 5 to 10 minutes off. Sometimes early, usually late. And usually not more than 10 minutes. Has been a lifelong problem.
I also have thank you cards from my wedding (in April) that never went out. Major guiltage here. *sigh*
I love your list! 🙂
I like flossing first, too, and have not seen nor read a second of Harry Potter.
There have been a lot of tweets today about non-hair washing. You definitely aren't alone on that.
You've had 3 netflix movies for 4 months?! Damn! Just curious, what movies are they? Wow, I'm a speed demon with my 1 netflix movie, I get it back in the mail the next day or so usually!
And which Justin Bieber song did u cave in and buy? 🙂
I'm right there with you with some of these as well. The Thank You Cards…I'm so bad. I also intently take great notes when opening up the kids gifts. That is from her, and this from him…blah blah…and yet they just sit there. Then the next big gift-giving-event rolls around with the same people, who watch me write down my "this and that's" and I'm sure they are thinking….right, as if she's going to send us a Thank You.
Oh well…win some lose some, or in my case, just plain dont do some.
And the less frequent hair washing is a good thing…at least this is what I tell myself.
You have become my hero! I'm guilty of 50% at least of these things.
And why brush first and then loosen up more yuck?
I am a really bad girl. I regularly run the world's most pointless red left turn light on Surveyor Avenue in Brea. I drink milk out straight out of the carton. I party smoke–cigarettes and pot. I watch Sixteen and Pregnant on MTV. I only check my mail about three days a week. I also have can't-return-a-movie-to-Netflix syndrome which I believe is a natural progression from my lifelong can't-return-a-library-book condition. Plus a few other unmentionables.
OMG!!! I nearly fell off my chair laughing because of this post!!!!!! I wash my hair every day of the week (am I crazy? ) and don't colour it but have highlights instead, I have never bought a Justin Beiber song (I don't even know if I know one???), I don't have Netflix (I live on an island!!!), I don't watch too much T.V (nothing to watch!), I do eat fish sometimes, but they mustn't taste too fishy (?), I don't think I have kept something that was lent to me, I don't listen to audio books, but I'm a 100% with you for the rest. I also have loads of other vices and the list would be way too long to name them all!
Make sure my daughters never read this post ; ))))))
I stole from convenience stores when I was in Junior high too . I also skipped school and started smoking and smoked marijuana before I went to class in the afternoon. I even bought hash oil of my own a few times . my bad :p
Love your honesty!!
I'm really glad I'm not the only one with a toddler that still has some thank you notes left to mail! Thanks for making me feel less alone in that!
I hate it when people are late too. People with my ipod would think I was schizo too! LOL great confessions.
Pada petang itu, mereka berdua merancang nak menghabiskan masa (dalam erti kata lain yang lebih senang difahami, diorang nak membuang masa) di Carrefour, Alamanda. Cheh, Putrajaya juga perginya diorang ni. Berjiwa art juga ye. Kononnya nak release tense sambil menikmati pemandangan yang indah. Huh, ye sangatlah tu! Padahal, masing-masing dah mati kutu tak tahu nak buat apa sepanjang pagi tu! Hmm… merayap punya merayap akhirnya…
“Nia, beri aku peluang untuk membuktikan diri. Aku yakin aku mampu melakukannya!” laung Daniel. Kutegakkan kepalaku. Aku tidak mahu menoleh ke arah anak muda yang sedang diserang penyakit ganjil itu. Bukan penyakit ganjil tetapi penyakit kegilaan bermusim. Kiranya sekarang musim penyakit itu telah melandanya.
Adham Faiz tidak dapat bersabar lagi. Gerai burger yang terletak di hadapan kedai mamak Maidin itu, ditinggalkannya sebentar, sambil mengarahkan dua orang pembantunya, Udin dan Akob, untuk menguruskan. Dia ingin mencari budak perempuan itu!
Jadi untuk melaksanakan misi yang aku sudah rancang tu aku tinggalkan nota dekat atas meja belajar dia.
“Lain kali abang Zek kenalkan kat Liya yea” pintaku. Abang Zekri senyum lagi. Mesti cantik gadis pilihan abang Zekri sepadan dengan dirinya.
Cuaca di pagi hari minggu itu agak cerah. Awan-awan putih berkepul-kepul di langit biru. Santubong Resort seperti kebiasaannya menerima kunjungan ramai pengunjung dari dalam maupun luar negara. Macam-macam gelagat manusia boleh diperhatikan di situ. Kanak-kanak kecil riang berkejaran di gigi air. Sementara pasangan-pasangan kekasih berjalan sambil berpegangan tangan menyusuri pantai. Ada juga yang berdua-duaan di hujung pantai, yang mana kawasannya agak berbatu-batu, jauh dari kebisingan. Bagi yang sukakan suasana sunyi, bolehlah duduk-duduk merehatkan diri.
“Pasal tu aku tahu.Senang aje nak dapat maklumat tu,”balas Lina.Sedikit tenang wajahnya berbanding tadi.
“Ha, cakaplah,” inei Eroh menyuap nasi ke mulut. Kemudian memandang Julan, mahu mendengar apa yang mahu dikongsikannya.
“RM 7.50.” Budak perempuan itu berkata sambil meletakkan bungkusan itu ke dalam plastik. Not RM 10 dikeluarkan dari dompetku dan dihulurkan kepada budak itu.
“Apa pandang-pandang??!!” Ops..Terlepas..Haha..
“Yana, apa yang kau menungkan di tepi tingkap tu? Kau ada masalah ke? Kalau ada masalah, bagitahu la aku, mana tahu aku boleh tolong kau?” tegur Dina Mariani apabila melihat Diana Syuhadah termenung di tepi tingkap bilik mereka. Dina Mariani merupakan pelajar tahun akhir dalam bidang pengurusan perniagaan merangkap kembar kepada Diana Syuhadah. Mereka sentiasa bersama, susah senang dia sentiasa disisi Diana Syuhadah.
“Hakim..Sape ni…?” Mak oi..Gediknya minah sorang ni..
“ Ohhh… nak salahkan abang pulak! Okey, abang bawak Maya pergi satu lagi favourite spot abang dalam rumah ni. Lepas ni, confirm sayang bersara terus daripada jadi doktor!”
“Jadi, kamu gaduh lagi dengan dia?” cepat saja inei Eroh mencelah.
“Katak!!!!”Aku menjerit sekuat hati. Sepantas kilat menghayun tanganku. Kelas jadi kelam kabut. Masing – masing cuba menyelamatkan diri. Aku berlari meninggalkan tempat dudukku. Namun malangnya kakiku tersangkut pada kaki kerusi. Bupp!! Aku terjatuh ke lantai. Tiba – tiba katak tadi melompat semula ke tubuhku yang terlentang ini.
Terlopong semua yang ada di dalam kedai mamak tersebut. Terkejut mendengar suara keras Adham. Kumpulan perempuan itupun terkedu seketika. Tidak menyangka ada yang begitu berani memarahi mereka.