Typically I only share the very best side of Lucas; the cute adorable side.
Don’t be fooled, this boy has a range of emotions and in his short 17 months, we have seen him go from happy-go-lucky to pissed off in nothing flat.
Every now and then, I happen to have a camera close by so I can capture this other, more colorful side of my son: This post is for Wordless Wednesdays and if you want to link up or see some really beautiful photographs, visit Alicia at A Beautiful Mess.
I love that really mad face on babies with the lip turned under.
As long as I'm not the one having to try and erase that face 🙂
I really like the one of you holding him because you have a "fussy" face going, too!
That looks like me getting ready for work in the morning! 😉
Even his mad face is cute… in pictures. I'm sure it's not very fun to deal with.
I adore those photos, it's true that all of us have good days and bad days! Thanks for sharing!
Yep, he's still adorable.
He's still gorgeous : )
now THAT is a funny photo collage.
His mad faces are still seriously cute! Haha! The camera loves that child!