It has only happened a couple of times, but when toddler kisses turn into bites, they hurt and leave a mark.If this turns into a Twilight discussion, for the record I’m on Team Edward.
This post is for Wordless Wednesdays and if you want to link up or see some really beautiful photographs, visit Alicia at A Beautiful Mess.
OMG! This is hilarious. My hubs has unknowingly given me hickeys before and I think that hickeys are so WT! But wait, that is a small set of teeth. Is that from Lucas?
Crazy monkey! Geez! Those teeth of his certainly are sharp! He has only bitten my finger once or twice but it was so painful! Who knew such a little guy had such sharp little teeth!!! Yikes! But I still love 'em!
OUCH! Hopefully you can nip that habit quickly!
Yeah, boyeeee! Love meeting people playing for the RIGHT team! Sorry your little person bit you; it happens to the best of us!
Ouch! But yeah, he loves ya!
Team Edward here, too.
Tater and Ms. L never bite, but Ms. M does. I don't know of anything that hurts more than a baby teeth bite.
Nice!!!! he's serious about his love bites!
Is he cutting teeth bad? Kate did that around 11 months or so.