They say parents take more photos of their first children than they do of subsequent children. I don’t know if that’s true or not, but I have taken roughly 3000 pictures (yes, I counted) of you since you were born. That’s a boat load of photos!
I text one-a-day to your grandparents, dad and two aunts and in order to get a good one (i.e. you looking at the camera and hopefully smiling while doing something super cute), there are at least five others that no one sees but me. Unless they are really awful (i.e. completely out of focus), I can’t bring myself to delete them. Hence the reason there are so many. I’m sure that it also is because you are my first and I’m so completely in awe of you and trying to capture every single adorable moment.
Occasionally, I will print out my favorites and have already filled two photo albums and countless picture frames. You are plastered all over our refrigerator and sent with greeting cards to loved ones who aren’t tech savvy.
What else do I do with them?
I suppose with everything being digital nowadays, they can all live peacefully on my computer and wherever I want to look at them, I can. ***Note To Self: I must remember to do a back up!!***
Even before my little bundle of joy’s arrival, I was a huge photo taker and always the one at events with a camera. I have thousands of them, mostly in zip lock bags, some in albums and a lot in collage frames. I have visions of beautifully organized and labeled photo boxes (yeah, with all my free time, I’ll get right on that!) and a family photo wall, which may be more realistic.
Photos… How do you store, share, display and enjoy yours? Any fun, creative ideas to share (beyond scrap booking, as I just don’t think I have the patience for that)?
Meanwhile, say “Cheese”!
The best is yet to be.
I need to do a backup too! Thanks for the reminder 😉
Mine are all on the computer, and God forbid something were to happen to it or I'd be 100% screwed!
I send out albums every other month, and also sit down and make a point to order some for real life albums 4 times a year.
Baby#2 is only 11 days old and I have taken over 100 photos and she has already had her first "photo shoot" with a professional photog!
Make sure you back up your photos and also make books, Costco, Shutterfly, Snapfish will all do it for a good price. And do the books soon, while you are only a year in…otherwise you'll end up like me, with over 3 yrs of photos stored in no patticular order and a new baby and NO books!
new visitor… found you from Mommy of a Monster… I store my pics first in my computer… In a folder with the year on it… then in a folder with the month on it (they stay in order if you name them by the year followed by a dash and the month (2009-02)). Then I number the folders and name them according to events (eg 01 Birthday, 02 Beach, 03 Random everyday etc.) It's anal… yes. I also take 10-15 of my favs from each month and back them up on Photobucket… makes it easier to use for other purposes. LOL now that I spelled it out… I feel a little OCD. Ah well.
I feel exactly the same as you Tonya. I don't dare get rid of the out of focus ones… I have more than 30000 pictures on my computer. I still haven't had time to print the best ones out to put in albums (for Noémi at least). Next week they are both going to a holiday camp (from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m), and printing pictures is n° 1 on my do to list…
I take loads of pictures of Noemi, but I don't film her as much as I used to film Emma… (that sucks…).
I also find that Lucas is as photogenic as his Mommy : )
I REALLY REALLY need to get a backing up system for my computer! Not to sound melodramatic or anything but if I lost my pictures and/or my music, I would probably have to be committed! Seriously!
You are definitely on a roll lately with picture taking of Lucas. They have been so cute and different too. Keep up the good work! : )
Thanks for all the good ideas, ladies!
Big MAJOR shout out to AJ! You are my photo organizational hero. Bravo!!
Now, everyone, have you backed up today?