I can swear like a sailor and I know that it is an ugly trait.
For me, cursing has become somewhat of a habit, whether it’s out of anger, frustration or to emphasize a point, sometimes there is just no substitute for a “hell”, “shit” or “damn” (or worse).
And the worst part is that I am so used to using these four letter expletives that I don’t even notice it anymore. Yikes! Well, I suppose the first step is admitting that I have a problem, right?
I have tried (half-heatedly) to temper my use of profanity since becoming a mother, but it isn’t easy and replacement words like “frick” and “darn” just sound ridiculous and aren’t quite as powerful.
I know it won’t be long before you are repeating everything you hear and that’s not going to be pretty. Maybe I should remind myself how awful I am going to feel if I hear this nasty talk coming out of your mouth knowing that you learned it from me, or I could put a dollar in a jar each time a bad word escapes my mouth? Bet that adds up fast! Perhaps learning how to express myself in a more productive and positive manner is the answer. Oh hell, wish me luck!
The best is yet to be.
Day 83/100
Damn it, woman good luck…you'll need it! I tried to quit cussing and it didn't work. And remember my post about Tater cussing like a trucker? It's getting worse! It's cute when they say it the first time, but not the 100th time 🙂
One of the signs you are a parent – you start to spell words around your kids! You're right around the corner from that. Ha, ha!
I always say things like God Bless America!
You heard me during your visit here! So you know how badly I can speak!!!! However, the good point is that I usually swear in English and the kids don't get the meaning or don't repeat… well for the time-being, that is…
I do say a couple of bad words in French and the girls have repeated them (Luc's as faulty as me!!!).
Nathalie is right! The first time you laugh (I suppose, nervously!), but after a few times, it gets really embarassing! What if they say the words in class or at a friend's house… And I can just hear them say, well Mum says that all the time when she's driving… ; )
There's no such word as "P…." in French. It's like punctuation to me! The translation isn't pretty though! If I put a dollar in a jar everythime I have said that word, I'd be driving a Porch Cayenne by now ; ) ; ) ; )
How can you control what's coming out of your mouth when you bash your little toe on the corner of a table or when you burn your fingers when grabbing something out of the oven? I know, one has to be careful in front of kids, but a good F… sounds so much better to a Fiddlesticks.. Who says fiddlesticks anyways?
Lucas, don't take what I'm writing as an example!
Hmm, never thought that this would be something we would have to worry but I guess it really is.. I don't swear too much.. Ok except for shit. I say that a lot! Guess I'll just have to start spelling it out when I'm around Lucas, S-H-I-T! : )