We had a big, furry, delightful house guest for the weekend and no, I’m not talking about Elmo… thank God! Many words come to mind when I think of Elmo and ‘delightful’ isn’t one of them, but that’s another topic for another day.
No, our furry guest was a beautiful Weimaraner named Winston (I Might Secretly Be A Dog Person), my favorite dog on the planet.
Although the two of them have met before, Lucas and Winston are definitely still in the “getting to know you” phase of their relationship, as evidenced by these photos:
Winston wouldn’t hurt a fly and was very tolerant of Lucas’ poking and prodding. It was really fun to watch the two of them together and imagine what our lives might be like with a four-footed friend around permanently.
I spent the weekend calling Winston Lucas and Lucas Winston and it got a little chaotic at times, but Winston is such a joy to dog sit and in almost every way, a hell of a lot easier than a toddler!
Before I sign off, I am very excited to report that my blog has been reviewed on Blog Brew Review, a very cool blog dedicated to reviewing blogs. With so many blogs and so little time, this site is a wonderful time saver! Please check it our when you have the time.
A special thanks to Natalie (Mommy of a Monster (I Mean Toddler) and Infant Twins) for writing such a nice review. 🙂
And last but not least, to all the brave men and women, who serve our country, who have served our country, and those that have given their lives, and to all of their families, God Bless you… and thank you for fighting for our freedom. Happy Memorial Day to everyone!
The best is yet to be.
Poor Winston looks very wary, doesn't he?
We almost adopted a dog a month ago, but in the end, couldn't bring myself to add one more "child" to the mix. I stopped at 3 for a reason, ya know!
Aaw! I want to hug Winston! Lucas, too, of course. But Winston is a sweetie! 🙂
WInston is super cute! I'd like to meet him! I hope Lucas will grow up to love animals.