11 months? Already?! Say it isn’t so. The last four weeks have gone by too fast and you have experienced many fun firsts, including:
- Your first boat ride across the Sydney Harbor.
- Your first visit to the zoo.
- Your first visit to the ER. 🙁
- Your first sunrise our first morning in Sydney.
- Your first meal at a restaurant in which nothing came out of the diaper bag except for a bib.
You also:
- Acquired another two stamps in your passport.
- Learned that there are television screens in cars, thanks to the taxi driver in Sydney. Your dad and I are hoping you’ll forget. Fat chance, right?!
- Know where your belly is and recognize the words “bath”, “book”, “baby”, “bottle”, and many more that don’t begin with B!
- Pat us on the chest as a form of affection I hope…
- You’ve had your first of what I fear is many temper tantrums (more on that in a later post).
- You can walk around holding on to furniture and can stand for several seconds without holding on to anything.
- Exclusively wear size 4 diapers and size 12 clothes.
- Climb up the stairs.
- Still have blue eyes.
Nothing brings me more joy than being your mommy and watching you grow, learn, laugh and play every day.
Next month we will be celebrating your first year and I am going to enjoy every second until then because something tells me that after June 6, you are going to be a very different baby.
Forever and always I believe that the best is yet to be.
Day 72/100
So sweet! I love these posts – it's so easy to forget all of the amazing accomplishments that they acheive in the first year!
Happy 11 months of life Lucas! I love u very much and cannot wait to be a part of the next 11 months and beyond!