Even though you are in the 95th percentile on the weight and height scales, all of you is little to me. I especially love your tiny feet and hands and nothing brings me more joy than seeing your itty bitty fingers pick up a Cheerio or piece of cheese. You have such precision in the task and I just can’t get enough of it!
Until recently I didn’t have the heart to cover up your little piggies with anything other than socks and jammies with feet. Sadly, your dad (AKA the shoe horse in the family) bought you several pairs of shoes that you never got an opportunity to wear because you have already outgrown them. Last week I finally broke down and got you two new pairs; a so ugly they’re cute pair of Crocs and a classic pair of navy blue Converse All Stars, with tie laces.
You don’t seem to mind them one bit and I seriously don’t think they could be any cuter. You are a bit obsessed with the laces, so the next pair might need to have Velcro.
“If the shoe fits…buy it in every color.” – Anonymous
The best is yet to be.
Day 55/100
Those shoes are adorable!! Man! I wish my shoes could stay that cute! Why is it so funny for Lucas to have shoes on? I don't know but it really is to me! : )