Your grandma is coming to visit today and it also marks your tenth month with us; and what a great month it was! The most exciting accomplishment you had this month was that you started crawling and it has been so much fun to watch you explore your world and enjoy your independence. Here are some of your other milestones at ten months. This month you:
- Learned to pull yourself up to standing and usually only hold on with one hand.
- Have slammed your pudgy little fingers into drawers and cabinets more than once and gotten yourself stuck under our coffee table and bar stools. I am told that it is all a part of your new found freedom and exploration.
- Recognize puppies, babies, books, the train and of course, mom, dad, aunt Leah and nanny Angel.
- Use sign language to indicate when you are “all done”, want “more” and hear the train passing by.
- Love to people watch as much as your dad and I do, which make places like the park and airport do-able.
- Your diet has expanded to include chicken, cheese, kidney beans, lentils, spinach and potatoes.
- Graduated from your first music class and have started a second one.
- Visited the Wild Animal Park.
- Celebrated your first Easter and met the Easter Bunny.
- Have been wearing the Doc Band for 42 days today… we are almost half way there and I am happy to report that it is doing exactly what it’s meant to.
- Bounce to music.
- Still have blue eyes.
- Attended your fourth one year old’s birthday party.
- Love to knock blocks, or anything will work, together to make noise.
- Hosted your first Mommy & Me play group.
- Can roll a ball back and forth to us.
I can’t wait to see what the next month has in store for you!
As a side note, the photo above was taken with my iPhone using a very cool new photography app I downloaded called Hipstamatic. Check it out!
The best is yet to be.
Day 42/100
Happy 10 months of life Lucas!!!