How can one little word, just two letters long hold so much meaning, exhaustion and frustration whether it is being said or heard? The word is ‘NO’ and in the last couple of days, I have said it enough times to last a lifetime and you have certainly heard it enough.
You are into EVERYTHING and while I appreciate your adventurous nature and eagerness to explore your surroundings, it doesn’t change the fact that you can’t touch the heater, climb into the dish washer, push every button on the remote control, hammer on my computer, or play with my phone!
I get it, your job as a toddler is to be a free spirit and constantly test your limits and my job as your parent is to keep you safe, promote positive behavior and raise you to be a good human without completely losing my sanity in the process. Having said that, how and when do you teach your toddler that no means no? What kind of discipline, if any works on a 10 month old?
My current technique is to say something like the following; “no, that’s the stove and it’s hot, please don’t touch it,” and then physically remove you from the situation/temptation. I have given you a description, warning and distraction. Inevitably, however, you crawl back over to the stove (or other inticing object) 17 more times because you don’t understand the word “hot”, let alone the concept of “no” and so the process is repeated over and over and over.
Help me, moms, how early do you teach your children right from wrong, self control and respect? How early is too early for time outs?! My ears are open wide….
The best is yet to be.
Day 47/100
Oh Lucas, No means No! He'll get it eventually. It just might take awhile. But stick to your word and he'll get it eventually.