Today you are seven months old and I know I say it every month, but I can’t believe how fast the months are flying by…. I continue to be amazed by you, all that you are learning; and watching you grow.
Your seventh month was an exciting one, as we celebrated your very first Christmas holiday and you reached all of these wonderful milestones, too:
- Your piercing screaming has been replaced with “ba-ba”, “da-da”, “ma-ma” sounds, thank goodness. I love hearing you talk to yourself early in morning when you wake up.
- You are mastering the art of the major meltdown whenever I am out of sight. I think it’s separation anxiety and is completely normal, but it definitely tugs at the heartstrings and frays the nerves.
- You are sort of enjoying cereal once a day, but I’d love to get you eating more solids, more often. So far, we have tried sweet potatoes, stewed carrots, butternut squash and apples and you wanted no part of any of of them. Well, you like gnawing on the apples, but they are very slippery for your little fingers. The bottle seems to be your food of choice and just way too easy for you. We need to work on that. I’m open to suggestions….
- After being away for a week over the holiday and in the same guest room with us, you are finally back to sleeping through the night!
- You suffered through your first cold and ear infection. 🙁
- You love to sit up in your strollers and the more we can keep you off your head, the better!
- You are thriving in your physical therapy sessions for a mild case of torticollis.
- You are learning to get around by rolling and scooting…backwards. No crawling yet, but I’m sure it’s only a matter of time.
- You can sit up unassisted, but it makes me a little nervous, as you have had a couple of bonks to the head. Practice makes perfect.
- Your top two teeth are on their way and one is visible.
- Your eyes are still blue. 🙂
The best is yet to be.
Happy 7 months of life Lucas! I cannot believe that just 7 short months ago, you didn't exist! Well u kinda did but u know what i mean. I really do not remember what it was like not having you in our family. I am sure that your mom does..haha… But all kidding aside, I don't know where I put all this love that I have for you before you were born. I think it's sad that there are people out there that go their whole lives without feeling this rush of love for someone. This unconditional love. I think that's what the world needs more of-unconditional love. It is simple, pure and with any strings attached at all.
Well, see ya Saturday kid for our play date in LA! : )