I made the mistake of taking you for a sleep over at my good friend, Colleen’s house last night. She also has a baby and we like to get our boys together from time to time (AKA hope that they will go sleep and we can visit). You were pretty much fussy the entire time we were there. Thankfully, you went to sleep at 6:30 per usual and then woke up at 10:00 crying, scared and completely out of sorts. You would not go back to sleep. I could see the writing on the wall so, at almost midnight with both of us in tears, I packed up our stuff and drove home (an hour drive by the way).
You fell asleep half way home and I was successful in getting you from your car seat to your crib without too much upheaval and there you slept peacefully until almost 3:00, when you woke up screaming having peed through your jammies and sheets. We were up for an hour, you downed a bottle, got a new outfit and dry sheets and blankets and were back down for two hours. You decided to greet the day at 6:00 and up until 26 minutes ago had been going strong ever since. Can you say exhaustion?
You had a follow up doctor’s appointment this morning to check on your ear infection and we found out that not only do you still have it, but it’s now in your other ear too. That would explain your recent sour mood and agitation.
Poor Baby + Guilty Mommy = More Antibiotics and hopefully a nice long nap…for both of us.
The best is yet to be.
Don't be too hard on yourself!
The more you take them places the more they get used to it! At least you tried and it would have more to do with his ear infection than anything. Don't be afraid to try again!
Oh Tonya I am so sorry to hear about this very rough night at Colleen's place! Ugh..yikes! I am sure that he wasn't out of sorts just because he was sleeping at some new place. Don't feel guilty about taking him over there. I think its healthy for him to get used to sleeping in other places and not just his own space.
Oh, how the heck does an ear infection travel from one ear to the next? Thats crazy! Poor guy!! : ( This too shall pass T.