Your Aunt Leah has started her own blog about her new life in Los Angeles, but she will continue to provide notes to you here. Here is her latest:
Dear Lucas,
Your Aunt Leah is back here on your mom’s blog but this time I have some advice for you. Last week I went to Jamaica and read an interesting article on the plane ride and I wanted to share with you what I learned from it.
The article was about Jay Leno, the late night talk show host and what he considers to be the secret of his success. And since I want you to be successful in this life, I thought I would share this with you.
I’ve never been a huge fan of his and I would usually rather watch Conan or even Letterman, however, his words in this particular article really spoke to me. It’s interesting that such a successful and popular comedian believes the key to a good life is maintaining low self-esteem. Who would have ever though that Jay Leno had poor self-esteem before breaking into the entertainment industry? I totally get it though. Leno says, “If you go into a situation assuming that you are the dumbest person in the room, I think you will fare better than if you go in assuming you are the smartest one.” He goes on to say, “that at no point in the day am I going 100 miles per hour. Most people work in 100-mile per-hour spurts and then relax. For me, one of the keys to success is pacing myself.”
I think that I agree with that work ethic. It’s that constant steady pace that will get more accomplished in the long run without feeling too crazed or overwhelmed.
With this philosophy, Leno thinks he is one of the hardest-working people in show business. I would have to agree with that statement. He certainly gets a lot done. He has his own daily late night talk show, and an on-going comedy tour. He is one busy guy! Now, while this is great and all, I do not expect you to rush into Hollywood kicking and screaming for this kind of job. You do whatever makes you happy and try following Leno’s work ethic. I also believe that if you go into any situation (be it at the workplace or at home) hoping for the best but expecting the worst, you’ll almost always surprise yourself. I think this a great way of looking at every situation in your life.
Well, Lucas, I hope that this was helpful to you. I love you very much and wish you all the success in the world!
These are great words of wisdom, Lucas. Above all else, we want nothing more for you than for you to be happy. Follow your heart and success can never be too far behind.
The best is yet to be.
I've gotten to spend a lot of time with u this week and I swear u get cuter everyday! Seriously, u got those cute genes down! I love getting to guest post in this blog and I hope that your mom will continue to ask me to do it from now on. Love u lots kiddo!