I’m in denial. Although our pediatrician told me not to start feeding you solid food until you were six months old, I think you might be ready now. I read in my baby development books over the weekend that babies can start solids between four and six months, which is exactly where we’re at. There are other signs too, such as: the fact that you can hold up your head, you have outgrown the tongue-thrust reflex and you show great interest in what’s on my plate.
I also read that a five month old should be introduced to the sippy cup! I’m freaking out. I am not ready for you to be drinking out of a cup, let alone eat real food. We don’t even have a high chair yet!
Choosing the perfect high chair aside, there are other decisions to make and things to consider when starting solids, like; should I be making my own baby food and how exactly does one do that or if I don’t, which store brand is best? How do I know when it is safe to move on to a new menu item? What if you are allergic to something? Does solid food mean solid poops, and don’t get me started on the messes and dishes that come with it all or the logistics of traveling with baby food. Ugh!
I am excited for you to eat, I really am, but honestly a part of me wishes that you could just stay five months old and that I could feed you from a bottle forever. I know that is more than slightly unrealistic and as your dad said, we need to relish these changes and your growth. He’s right and I suppose I could try, but I’m going to need to take baby steps. Two days ago, I bought a box of organic baby cereal and it is still sitting unopened on our kitchen counter…stay tuned.
The best is yet to be.
Solid food doesn't necessarily mean solid poop! 🙂 Start him off with oatmeal and see how he does. We fed Mattias oatmeal around four months and he loved oatmeal but refuses to eat it now. Go figure. We didn't get him on other solids until six months. Good luck! It's the best when they get food all over their face, in their ears and eyebrows. Hilarious! Can't wait for those photos!